Re: RDF Thesaurus - Unresolved Design Issues

Hi Alisatir,

great move. I've started to look through the followup messages and will send
some commments through the week...



On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Miles, AJ (Alistair)  wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I've started a writeup and discussion of unresolved design issues regarding
>the RDF thesaurus work.  It's on the SWAD wiki
><>.  Nikki, Dave B., Danbri, Dave R.,
>Andy, Libby, Chaals, Steve C, Paul, Brian, Ian, Alvaro, everyone in SWAD, it
>would be great if you could get involved, I could really do with some
>feedback and a bit of your expertise.
>I'll post a short summary to the public-esw-thes list when I add any new
>issues to the wiki, so please keep an eye out.
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Received on Sunday, 2 November 2003 08:54:47 UTC