SWAD-E postcard text

hi all,

Now we need a piece of text to go on the back of the card.
Basically all it will do is have a two paragraph summary of the project
and then point them to the site.

so...what do we want to get people to do with respect to the site?

- join in
irc/w3c mailing lists/workshops/suggestions and questions

- find stuff out
reports, demos, developer page


We could also have a slogan of some kind on the front of the
card....what do you think? any suggestions?

I rather like this para (from
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/factsheet/) as an explanation of what
we're doing in the project:

The period 2002-2004 will see the first wave of mainstream Semantic Web
applications. SWAD-Europe's role will be to ensure that the critical
technology components required for widespread Semantic Web adoption are
readily accessible to European industry, consumers, and developers. This
involves finding and maintaining a balance between "in-house" Open
Source tool development, community building, outreach and evangelism,
combined with more technologically advanced research and analysis to
support and field-test Semantic Web standards.

any other ideas?

Thanks for any input,


Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 10:17:37 UTC