Re: Semantic Web Services: Interest Group creation discussions

Hi Dan,

Dan Brickley <> writes:

> [...] Do people here see "SW Services" as the next big thing?  As a
> blue skies research area? As ripe for standardisation? If there were
> an Interest Group, or Working Group, or 'taskforce' or mailing list
> devoted to this topic, would you be interested in participation?

I believe that SW Services will be 'the next big thing', simply
because it offers an opportunity to reconcile the two main - but
largely disparate - areas of Web development. I'd be interested in
participating, as I suspect would several of my colleagues.

Although much of the groundwork for SWS has been laid (in terms of
deployed WS and SW technologies and incipient SWS technologies such
as DAML-S), I think that any attempt to standardise within the short
to medium term (two years) would be rather premature. Perhaps go
for an interim SWAD-style effort as a bridge between blue skies and
the standards track?

In addition to the aforementioned DAML Services, there are other
projects in the SW/WS intersection, of which the Semantic Grid[1] is
a good example.

Finally, it may be worth widening this tentative call for
participation to the multi-agent systems community since their work
has some strong resonances with SWS development (as we outline in [2]).

Nick Gibbins                                  
IAM (Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia)             tel: +44 (0) 23 80598347
Electronics and Computer Science                   fax: +44 (0) 23 80592865
University of Southampton

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2003 20:43:25 UTC