'announce-o-matic' / conference announcement tracker, quick writeup

(copying the public SWAD-E list...)


http://esw.w3.org/topic/AnnounceOMatic is a quick writeup of the project 
idea we were discussing earlier, ie. finding a better way to manage 
conference announcements to W3C developer mailing lists.

I tried to list some of the questions we ought to be answering; there are
doubtless plenty of others. In particular, I'd like to look at prior work
on this, eg. whether any other groups are using iCalendar documents when 
announcing conferences to mailing lists.

I also linked to some work going on with the UK LTSN network, where they
aggregate (by hand, at each of several subject-specific centres) event 
descriptions, and then disseminate these further as RSS feeds. 
Here's the economics one, for example:
http://www.economics.ltsn.ac.uk/events/events.xml ...which is also a 
good use case for GeoInfo / mapping markup, once we get that work a bit 
more stable.

Next steps? probably to think about a method for trawling through some 
chunk of recent www-rdf-* mailing list archives and summarising the kinds of
events we have seen announced, and using that to draft guidelines for people
using www-rdf-* for such announcements.

hope this makes sense!


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2003 11:53:42 UTC