RE: [Policy-sig] First International Conference on Trust Manageme nt (fwd)

That's one of ours!  From the iTrust WG we are in.
I didn't think that it would be suitable for a workshop
as its too close to W3C2002.

It was an action on me to publish when these trust workshops
are.  After this one, there will be one in the autumn 2003 
(probably London) and then we are organising a larger event
in spring 2004, probably in Oxford.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles McCathieNevile []
Sent: 10 October 2002 10:33
Subject: [Policy-sig] First International Conference on Trust Management

This might be an interesting venue - I assume Graham Klyne can 
tell us more,
since he is on the program committee.



Charles McCathieNevile  tel: 
+61 409 134 136
SWAD-E ------------ WAI
 21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia  fax(fr): 
+33 4 92 38 78 22
 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 09:58:38 +0100
From: Morris Sloman <>
Subject: [Policy-sig] First International Conference on Trust Management

The First International Conference On Trust Management

28-30 May 2003

Heraklion, Crete, Greece
( )

The First International Conference on Trust Management will 
take place at
the beautiful summer resort Kalimera Kriti ( Good Morning Crete )
( ) near Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 
on May 28-30
2003. The Conference is organized by iTrust, a Working Group on Trust
Management in Dynamic Open Systems ( and the
University of Crete ( ) and partially funded by the
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) unit of the IST program, The Proceedings will be 
published by
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer Verlag, .

Its purpose is:

­ To facilitate the cross-disciplinary investigation of 
fundamental issues
underpinning computational trust models by bringing together 
expertise from
technology oriented sciences, law, philosophy and social sciences.

­  To facilitate the emergence of widely acceptable trust management
processes for dynamic open systems and applications

­  To facilitate the development of new paradigms in the area of dynamic
open systems which effectively utilise computational trust models.

­  To help the incorporation of trust management elements in existing

Papers, short papers, panel, special session and tutorial proposals are
solicited in the following list of areas which is indicative and not

The ethics, sociology and psychology of trust
Cyberspace freedom vs. safeguarding consumer confidence and trusting
Legal issues underpinning the management of trust
Trust in Contract, service level agreement negotiation and management,
organizational networks
Models and semantics of trust
Trust specification, analysis and reasoning
Trust based on recommendation and reputation
Design of trust based architectures and decision-making mechanisms for
e-community and e-service interactions
Monitoring trust
Relationship between trust and risk
Relationship between trust and security

Important Dates

Submission of papers: January 6
Submission of panel or special session proposal: March 30
Submission of tutorial proposal: March 30
Submission of demo proposal: March 30
Notification of panel or special session acceptance: April 15
Notification of tutorial acceptance: April 15
Notification of demo acceptance: April 15
Notification of paper acceptance: March 10
Submission of final version: March 31

Keynote Speaker: Stuart Feldman, IBM VP Internet Technology, USA

Program Committee

Christos Nikolaou, U. of Crete, Greece, Conference Chair
Paddy Nixon, U. of Strathclyde, UK, Program Chair

Nikos Alivizatos, U. of Athens, Greece
Eliza Bertino, U. of Milano, Italy
Jon Bing, NRCCL, U. of Oslo, Norway
Joan Borrell, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Cristiano Castelfranchi, CNR, Italy
Stefano Cerri, U. of Montpellier II, France
Theo Dimitrakos, CLRC, UK
Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France
Keith Jeffery, CLRC, UK
Christian D. Jensen, Trinity College, Ireland & DTU, Denmark
Andrew Jones, King s College, UK
Audun Josang, DSTC, Australia
Graham Klyne, Nine by Nine, UK
Heiko Krumm, U. of Dortmund, Germany
Manolis Marazakis, Plefsis, Greece
Stefan Poslad, Queen Mary College, UK
Dimitris Raptis, Intracom, Greece
Jakka Sairamesh, IBM Research, USA
Giovanni Sartor, U. of Bologna, Italy
Simon Shiu, Hewlett Packard, UK
Morris Sloman, Imperial College, UK
Ketil Stoelen, SINTEF, Norway
Yao-Hua Tan, Free University of Amsterdam, Holland
Sotirios Terzis, U. of Strathclyde, UK
Dimitris Tsigos, Virtual Trip Ltd, Greece
Stavroula Tsinomera, U. of Crete, Greece
Emily Weitzenboeck, NRCCL, U. of Oslo, Norway

Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF, HTML or 
MS-Word format,
either by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat ( ) or to
our ftp site ( ).

In either case, please follow the guidelines below:

In your submission, there should be only one file containing the paper
text, suitable for review printing (maximum 20 printed pages 
with font size
not less than 10pt).
Each figure (or other material except text) should be in a separate file
All files consisting your paper should be gathered in a single 
file (zip or
tar format)
Submit your paper either by e-mail or ftp (please note that electronic
submissions are obligatory)
Send a separate e-mail message to containing 
the paper
title, abstract, keywords and any relevant contact information.

All accepted papers for the conference will be published by the 
LNCS series
of Springer-Verlag. Please consult the Authors Instructions subpage ( ) as well as to 
the Editors
Instructions subpage ( ) on
the LNCS Home Page where answers can be found to most technical 

  Short Papers

During the conference a space will be reserved for short paper sessions.
Research projects of any scale are invited to illustrate innovative
concepts and prototype systems.

Short paper proposals should include title, names of presenters 
and outline
(max. 500 words). Electronic submissions are obligatory; 
proposals should
be submitted by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat,

Panels/Special Sessions chair Christian D. Jensen, Trinity 
College, Ireland
& DTU, Denmark

Suggestions for the organisation of panel sessions on one of 
the proposed
topics or on related topics are welcomed. Proposals should 
include a short
CV and position paper for each panellist, and should be sent to

Tutorial chair: Theo Dimitrakos, CLRC, UK

Proposals for tutorials are solicited. Tutorials would be 
either half day
(3 hours) or full day (6 hours). Each proposal should include a title, a
summary (intentions, objectives, etc.), duration and a short CV of the
instructor(s) and should be sent to

Demo chair: Dimitris Tsigos, Virtual Trip Ltd, Greece

Result demonstrations of on-going projects are strongly 
encouraged. Those
interested should submit a description of the intended Demo to

Local Organizing Committee

Christos Nikolaou, U. of Crete, Chair
Eva Michelidaki, U. of Crete, Dissemination
Calliope Anagnostopoulou, U. of Crete, Local accommodations
Shore Shadman, U. of Crete, Registration
Kyriakos Papadakis, U. of Crete, Webmaster
Michalis Klisarchakis, U. of Crete, Webmaster
Vasilis Poursalidis, U. of Crete, Networking & Systems
Elias Theoharopoulos, U. of Crete, Networking & Systems


Professor Morris Sloman
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
Department of Computing
180 Queen's Gate
London SW7 2BZ, U.K.
Phone: +44 20 7594 8279    Fax: +44 20 7594 8282

Policy-sig mailing list

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 13:15:23 UTC