Annotations Work Package - Deliverable 12.2.1

Hi folks,

This Workpackage is in two parts - the demonstrator and the report.

There is a demonstrator, in the form of some utilities that work with the
annotea protocol at

These include a query tool for "off the shelf" annotea servers, as well as a
customised query for an annotea server that has been specialised to use EARL.

The report, due at the end of this month, will include explanation of how to
set up these tools and others that are available. It will also provide some
indication of possible future use of the tools.

During that development some more simple utilities are likely to be released
- the next probable development will be upgrading MUTAT - - so that it can also interact with the EARL
service, and the existing tools may be further enhanced.

(Sorry for the delay in announcing this)



Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
SWAD-E ------------ WAI
 21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia  fax(fr): +33 4 92 38 78 22
 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 13:46:48 UTC