RE: Deliverable 12.1.1

>Please let me know if this is the right place or whether it should
>be moved to
>conform to some naming convention.

Could the response be asap - there's just been the recurring 'but what RDF
apps are there?' thread on xml-dev again, and being able to point to
something like this would be a big step forward.

>Feedback on the report itself is welcome too!

I've only skimmed so far, but it looks really good ;-)

btw, re. semantic blogging - I've been looking at this area with the
intention of incorporating such facilities in the 'Ideagraph' app I'm
working on. The approach is aimed more towards the informal blogging arena
rather than the ClaiMaker scholasticism, and I've started putting together a
schema at . I'm planning on using this, along with some
classification metadata within RSS, and for test domain (dogfood) using my
blog at


Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 10:45:06 UTC