RE: SWAD Europe Marketing

Inspired by the CML work, our RA Alistair is thinking about
using RDF to represent molecular structures.  Conversely,
you could use those molecular modelling kits, with
straws and spiky balls, to construct models of the web!
Different colours for different labels on links and


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Ayers []
> Sent: 29 November 2002 17:39
> To: Graham Klyne; Libby Miller
> Cc: CV Meek;
> Subject: RE: SWAD Europe Marketing
> >At 11:17 AM 11/29/02 +0000, Libby Miller wrote:
> >>I rather like these:
> >>
> They do look fun.
> >Before I read this, I was thinking of something that could 
> also illustrate
> >the utility of RDF.
> A very good idea. Just prior to Rubik cubes hitting the big 
> time I got one
> through a small ad somewhere (back of New Scientist?), along with an
> explanatory booklet. The booklet was more like an academic 
> paper, delving
> pretty deeply into group theory. I struggled through the 
> booklet, learning
> stuff I'd have dismissed as just too difficult/dull if it 
> hadn't been for
> the wonderful cube.
> >I think this tangle toy probably has a number of topological 
> states that:
> >(a) could be identified using URIs
> >(b) their relationships could be described using RDF, e.g. 
> in terms of
> >loop-twists or some suchlike maneouvre
> >(c) sequences of operations to change from one state to 
> another might be
> >derived using a standard RDF tool like cwm or Euler.
> >
> >Do we have a mathematician of sufficient skill to work out 
> the details?
> >
> >...
> >
> >Another thought I had along similar lines was one of those 
> tile puzzles,
> >where you "move the hole around" to obtain some well-ordered
> >arrangement of
> >tiles.  (e.g. the RDF-logo?)  Again, linked to RDF 
> descriptions of the
> >states and solvable using standard off-the-shelf (or off-the-web)
> >RDF tools.
> Anyone done RDF for finite state machines??
> I did see a lovely toy the other day, actually nodes & arcs. 
> The arcs were
> bar magnets covered in coloured plastic, the nodes ball bearings.
> Unfortunately they were about ?10 for half a dozen of each.
> The only thing I can think of to suggest is e-SW angle grinders.
> (Coincidentally, there some work I need to do on some 
> concrete ledges in our
> cellar). Cementic Web, anyone?
> Cheers,
> Danny.

Received on Monday, 2 December 2002 07:58:53 UTC