Fwd: Examples or best-practices with versioning SKOS

Hello all,

I was wondering if any of you has some experience with maintaining multiple
versions of a SKOS Concept Scheme and its Concepts.
Some specific guidance I'm looking for:
- how can you properly attach a version number?
- is there any consensus or vocabulary on how to describe versioning?
- how to deal with deprecation?
- how can users migrate from version a to version b?
- how to properly version concept and concept scheme URIs, let alone the
links between them?
- ...

For each of these, I can think of some solution, but I was wondering if
anyone has faced the same questions and can share how you solved them? Any
examples or best-practices would be very welcome.


<https://meemoo.be/nl>   Miel Vander Sande
Data Architect

meemoo vzw | Ham 175, 9000 Gent | https://www.meemoo.be/
t +32 9 298 05 01 | m +32 496 83 21 29

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Received on Thursday, 21 November 2024 09:16:24 UTC