Re: skos:closeMatch and skos:exactMatch


Michael, welcome indeed, and thanks Tom for the swift answers!

It is in fact technically possible to use SKOS mapping properties within one concept scheme. It is only a convention/expectation to use them across schemes, as written in
At the time we didn't want to exclude cases where intra-scheme mapping would be useful, even if we weren't 100% sure about it. As the paper at [1] says:
Even if a distinction between mapping relations and semantic relations might, in principle, be anchored in a formally solid notion of concept scheme containment, the group recognized that the evolution of concept schemes over time could mean that related concepts in two separate schemes could become aggregated into the same scheme, or vice versa — situations in which the use of formally disjoint mapping and semantic properties would prove to be most inconvenient.

In fact Michael's example could be pointing towards a case where this would make sense. I.e. One may want to express in one same scheme that one celestial body star is behind two concepts, each having their own history, labels, etc. I'm not saying that this is best practices but one may have their good reasons to do it.




On 06/01/2023 03:57, Tom Morris wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 6:14 PM Michael DeBellis < <>> wrote:
>     If I have two synonym Concepts in two different ConceptSchemes: ex1:TheMorningStar and ex2:TheEveneningStar I can say ex1:TheMorningStar skos:exactMatch ex2:TheEveningStar. But what if they are in the /same /Concept Scheme? If I want to say ex1:TheMorningStar is identical to ex1:TheEveningStar there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. Similarly if I want to say they are close but not quite exact synonyms (e.g., ex1:Customer and ex1:Client) What am I missing?
> You wouldn't have two identical concepts in the same scheme. Synonyms can be done using altLabels on the same concept.
> Tom

Received on Friday, 6 January 2023 06:21:15 UTC