Re: When to use has_broader_match?

Hi Michael and welcome in SKOS wonderland !

The list will object if I am wrong. For me, SKOS is about "human made 
for human" classification systems. "Broader" means if one (human) is 
interested by the Broader, (s)he will be interested by this too.

The "match" properties are essentially used to correlate different 
classification systems. "Broader_Match" means if one (human) is 
interested by the Broader_Match in (another) classification system, 
(s)he MAY be interested by this too.

In today's world of AI digesting and classifying using statistics rather 
than scientific models and cartesian reasoning, SKOS looks like paddling 
against the tide but... who knows !

Happy New Year, it will be an interesting one !


P.S. This is what ChatGPT has to say on the topic:
How would you explain the similarities and the differences between two 
properties of the SKOS standard: "Broader" and "Broader_Match" ?

SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) is a standard for 
representing thesauri, classification schemes, and other types of 
controlled vocabulary as a set of concepts, and the relationships 
between those concepts.

The "broader" property is a relationship between two concepts in a SKOS 
vocabulary, where the concept on which the property is applied (the 
"narrower concept") is a more specific concept within the hierarchy of 
the vocabulary, and the concept that is the value of the property (the 
"broader concept") is a more general concept. This relationship 
indicates that the narrower concept is a subclass or subcategory of the 
broader concept.

For example, in a vocabulary about animals, the concept "dog" might have 
the broader property with a value of "mammal," because dogs are a type 
of mammal.

The "broader_match" property is similar to the "broader" property, but 
it is used to link a concept in one SKOS vocabulary to a broader concept 
in another SKOS vocabulary. This can be useful when two vocabularies are 
being used together, and there is a need to align the concepts in one 
vocabulary with the concepts in the other vocabulary.

For example, if you are using a vocabulary about animals that includes 
the concept "dog," and you also want to use a vocabulary about pets that 
includes the concept "canine," you could use the "broader_match" 
property to link the "dog" concept in the animals vocabulary to the 
"canine" concept in the pets vocabulary. This would indicate that the 
"dog" concept is a more specific version of the "canine" concept, and 
that the two concepts are related.

In summary, the "broader" property is used to relate concepts within a 
single SKOS vocabulary, while the "broader_match" property is used to 
relate a concept in one SKOS vocabulary to a broader concept in another 
SKOS vocabulary.

Le 28/12/22 à 20:57, Michael DeBellis a écrit :
> I'm an experience OWL developer but I'm just getting up to speed on 
> SKOS. I think I understand the basics: that has_broader indicates a 
> relation between two Concepts where the broader Concept (the object) 
> is a superclass or super-part of the subject. E.g., Mammal has_broader 
> Animal. Also, to use SKOS and not fall into OWL Full, I need to pun 
> every class I want to assert a SKOS object property on.
> I think I also get has_related. When two Concepts are related (most 
> likely in OWL by some property other than has_Sub_Part). E.g., if Fido 
> was an instance of the Dog class and Michael has_Pet Fido then we 
> could say that Michael has_related Fido (and vice versa since 
> has_related is symmetric).
> And has_close_match would indicate that two entities in OWL are 
> (probably) the same entity. If they are individuals then they are 
> owl:sameAs and if class or properties owl:equivalentTo each other.
> So far so good (I think, please correct me if any of that is wrong). 
> But I don't get has_broader_match or has_narrower_match. If one entity 
> is broader or narrower than the other (which I interpret as 
> super-class or super-part relations) then I don't understand how they 
> can also be matches. Similarly for has_related_match.
> Also, what about OWL properties?. I'm assuming in this context 
> has_broader means the broader property is a super-property of the 
> other property, is that correct? Also, of course I would need to pun 
> properties as well. Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Michael

Christophe Dupriez
Tél.: +32 475.77.62.11
Twitter @AkuinoNET

Received on Thursday, 29 December 2022 11:08:00 UTC