ANN: VocBench 9.0 released

Dear all

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

Version 9.0 of VocBench has been released, and is available here:

While there are new interesting functionalities added to the platform, the most characterizing features of this release are non-functional improvements, such as:

  *   Update to Angular version 10.2.2
  *   Updated Bootstrap dependency to version 4.5.3
  *   Introduced support for internationalization (with localization for Italian, more coming, we will see how to start the translation campaign)

which required to bring major changes to all the code base


For those new to VocBench...some more background

VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(XL) thesauri, OntoLex lexicons and generic RDF datasets.

Designed to meet the needs of semantic web and linked data environments, VocBench development has also been driven by the feedback gathered from a community of users made of public organizations, companies and independent users looking for open source solutions for maintaining their ontologies, thesauri, code lists, authority resources and lexicons.

Funded by the European Commission <> ISAČ programme<>, the development of Vocbench 3 (VB3) is managed by the Publications Office of the EU<> and is performed by a mixed research and development team from industry and academia.

Interested people can learn more about VocBench by visiting its project site:

and by subscribing to its user/developer discussion groups:

Learn more about VocBench by reading its documentation<>. A list of publications<> related to VocBench is also available there.

Release Note:

VocBench Web App

* Major and pervasive code changes:

    * Dropped webpack build structure in favor of angular-cli

    * Updated Angular version to ^10.2.2

    * Dropped dependency from ngx-modialog in favor of ng-bootstrap

    * Updated Bootstrap dependency to version 4.5.3

  * Introduced support for internationalization (i18n)

    * added localization (l10n) for italian

  * Introduced project facets

  * Replaced the directory based projects view with virtual directories that exploit the project facets

  * Introduced management of multiple named graphs, by enabling selection of the working graph

  * Introduced the 'LexicographerView', a streamlined resource view for Ontolex

  * Improved alignment management in EDOAL project

    * Enabled the storing of validated alignment in the EDOAL linkset

    * Added possibility to specify the mapping property of a correspondence

  * introduced global access in the ACL for a given project, allowing users from all other

    projects to access its content

  * Improved scalability checks of the instances list

  * Added a badge for showing the datatype of typed values in ResourceView

  * Added data type information in the single-value Custom Form preview

  * Enabled Custom Form table-preview

  * Enabled bulk edit operation for literal values in some partitions of the ResourceView

  * Improvements to Sheet2Rdf

    * Added possibility to rename nodes

    * Enabled creation of nodes independently from their usage in graph applications

    * Added possibility to provide additional predicate-object pairs for the subject

  * Improvements to Collaboration System

    * Added connector to Freedcamp

    * Enabled unassign task option

    * Added possibility for the admin or project manager to deactivate the collaboration system

  * Updates to the OntoPortal deployer, allowing for a specific configuration dedicated to EcoPortal

  * Enabled possibility to edit some project core settings

  * Added an option for automatically open projects at SemanticTurkey server startup

  * Added button for open or close all projects

  * Added possibility to provide a description to the registration custom fields

  * Enabled nesting of settings

  * Enabled open enumerations in settings

  * Added an editor for rdf:langString literals

  * Extended the language selector modal with a radio button mode (mandatory single selection)

  * Fixed issues and other extensions in settings management related to typed literals and set-typed properties

  * Fixed issues in the plugin configuration modal which retained (in some cases) edits after canceling

  * Added support for List-typed configuration properties

SemanticTurkey RDF Server

  * added support for internationalization (i18n)

    - added localization (l10n) for italian

  * introduced project facets

  * added project's facets to the global Lucene index (using it for global search)

  * introduced multiple graph management

  * introduced the lexicographer view for streamlined editing of OntoLex-Lemon lexicons

  * added support for the Freedcamp collaboration system

  * in the collaboration system it is now possible to remove a resource from an issue

  * most project characteristics can now be modified even after project creation

  * introduced global access in the ACL for a given project, allowing any consumer to access the project content

  * update to MAPLE's remote alignment service API to version 3:

    - possibility to forward credentials for accessing the datasets

  * enable the use of internal federation in the EDOAL data view when both the alignment project and the left

    dataset are hosted on the same Ontotext GraphDB server

  * added two new exception for the converters: ReformattingWrongLexModelException and ReformattingWrongModelException

  * renamed Project#getNewOntologyManager() to Project#getOntologyManager()

  * addded a spreadsheet exporter for SKOS/SKOS-XL projects

  * updated URIGenerators and RenderingEngines to the new extension mechanism (including the use of YAML to

    persist their configurations/settings)

  * added the possibility to open/close all projects with a single service

  * added support for guessing a default repository configuration when creating a version dump in the default

    location (i.e. same as the core repository)

  * added the passing of remote credentials to the skosDiffing tools

  * added the automatic opening of desired projects at startup

  * added the possibility to delete a version dump

  * added the possibility to configure the rendering engine and the uri generator after the initial project


  * added the possibility to set a project accessible by all the other

  * added the possibility to enable/disable blacklisting on projects with validation already enabled

  * added the possibility to delete triples via Sheet2RDF service addTriples()

  * added the possibility to deactivate/activate the Collaboration System for a VB project without removing the


  * added support for tabular view in Custom Forms

  * added data type information in the single-value custom form preview

  * added mapping property to the descriptions of correspondences in the EDOAL data view

  * updates to the OntoPortal deployer, allowing for a specific configuration dedicated to EcoPortal

  * enabled nesting of settings

  * enabled open enumerations in settings

  * align the server to the client concerning validation of properties objects

  * stripped type annotations on the generated service code

  * allowed the use @LanguageTaggedString to annotate types

  * the order of set-typed fields of STProperties is now preserved on deserialization (using a LinkedHashSet)

  * fields inherited by an STProperties are listed before the locally defined ones when producing a

    serialization for display

  * reimplemented STPropertiesChecker using Hibernate to support additional property constraints

  * updated StoredExportConfiguration to make transformationPipeline optional

  * allowed for the manipulation of namespace prefixes in project using validation

  * replaced sesame:nil with cl:null to fix incompatibility with recent versions of GDB (for sure, 9.6)

  * fixed authorization issues in the PMKI connector and implemented faceted search

  * fixed a bug in the search services on a local project

  * fixed a bug that occurred when updating the email address of an administrator user

  * use an embedded unicode font (arial unicode ms) in PDF generated by invokable reporters and skos diff

    fixing an issue with Chinese text

  * fixed a bug in the replaceBaseURI which caused the removal of all Bnode in the working graph

  * fixed a bug in project creation which didn't skip validation for data preload and indexing

  * updated in OntoLex projects the dependency on version 3 of vocabulary LexInfo 3

  * updated dependency on Sheet2RDF 4.1.0

  * updated dependency on Coda 1.7.1

  * updated dependency on maple 0.0.7

Migration from a previous version of the system

As usual, for people migrating from a previous version of VocBench 3, it suffices to:
·        keep the "SemanticTurkeyData" directory (you might want to make a backup just in case anything happens, even though the system has been extensively tested for migration)

     *   consider that some migration routines will make the data directory not entirely compatible with prior versions of VocBench
·        remove the previous distribution (directory semanticturkey-x.y) and replace it with the new one inside the archive
·        if using an external triple store:

     *   replace the old st-changetracking-sail-x.y.jar file located in the lib directory of the triple store with the new one: st-changetracking-sail-9.0.jar, that can be extracted from:
     *   replace the old st-trivial-inference-sail-x.y.jar file located in the lib directory of the triple store with the new one: st-trivial-inference-sail-9.0.jar, that can be extracted from:

For developers willing to recompile the project:

all of the dependencies of VocBench based on other software written by us:
·        semantic-turkey (9.0):
·        coda (1.7.1):    
·        lime-api (0.4.1):  
·        sheet2rdf (4.1.0):
·        maple (0.0.7):

have already been committed to Maven Central, so they may choose what to re-build and what to take as-is from the dependencies


The VocBench team


Armando Stellato, PhD
ART Research Group,
Dept. of Enterprise Engineering
University of Roma, Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1 00133 ROMA (ITALY)
tel: +39 06 7259 7330 (office, room A1-14);
     +39 06 7259 7332 (lab)


Received on Monday, 22 March 2021 09:42:07 UTC