Re: Best API to consume SKOS data

Everyone, thanks for your feedback!

JSKOS is not just a spec, but also 14 open source softwares, including a
mapping server and a HTTP server.

None of these seem to support pagination? Armando, how about your API?

Seth, I agree with your sentiment against custom APIs that make no relation
to RDF, but how do you represent operations like
- search or
- "gave me en labels only not fr, and prefer en-CA if available" ?

Is there interest in the community for APIs that are based on:
- LDP, which is the w3c spec for a LOD APIs
- Hydra, which allows to represent API operations as RDF, return links for
further operations on an object, and allows the development of generic API
- GraphQL, which sees a huge adoption amongst frontend devs and recent
popularity amongst RDF devs, including TopQuadrant, the Ontotext Platform,
a w3 Community Group, etc

Btw, all these 3 support pagination, though in different ways.

Received on Sunday, 15 March 2020 13:41:36 UTC