ANN: VocBench 3 v8.0 released

Dear all

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

Version 8.0 of VocBench has been released, and is available here:


For those new to VocBench...some more background

VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(XL) thesauri, OntoLex lexicons and generic RDF datasets.

Designed to meet the needs of semantic web and linked data environments, VocBench development has also been driven by the feedback gathered from a community of users made of public organizations, companies and independent users looking for open source solutions for maintaining their ontologies, thesauri, code lists, authority resources and lexicons.

Funded by the European Commission <> ISAČ programme<>, the development of Vocbench 3 (VB3) is managed by the Publications Office of the EU<> and is performed by a mixed research and development team from industry and academia.

Interested people can learn more about VocBench by visiting its project site:

and by subscribing to its user/developer discussion groups:

Learn more about VocBench by reading its documentation<>. A list of publications<> related to VocBench is also available there.

Release Note:

VocBench Web App

  *   Introduced the Custom Services tool
  *   Introduced the Invokable Reports tool (based on Custom Services)
  *   Added support (in the form of a tool) for connecting to the SKOS diffing system []
  *   Implemented a notification mechanism
  *   in Alignment, enabled the possibility for the user to modify the scenario suggested by MAPLE
  *   Introduced the ResourceMetadata tool for the management of resource metadata on creation/update/deletion events
  *   Enabled configurable dataset catalog connectors
  *   Improved CustomForm widget by exploiting new PEARL annotations
  *   Enabled the organization of projects in directories
  *   Renewed the UI of the ACL matrix
  *   Enabled a AND filter for concept schemse when browsing the concept tree
  *   added support for no-lexicon mode in OntoLex lexical entries view (i.e. if no lexicon has been selected, then all lexical entries are shown)
  *   Implemented scalability checks for preventing painting of lists or trees with too many elements (which are then replaced by search panels on-the-fly)
  *   Introduced an alternative ResourceView ('TermView') tailored for terminologists and lexicographers
  *   Introduced an alternative ResourceView ('CodeView') for viewing/editing the description of resources directly through RDF code
  *   Improved exploitation of the Metadata Registry of SemanticTurkey
  *   Improved support for OWL2
  *   Improved Manchester syntax editor with autocomplation and error markers
  *   Improved the RDF Resource visualization widget for supporting callbacks to various syntax highlights
  *   On validation, any user that performed an action may reject it, even with no validation capability
  *   the class diagram visualization is now stable (it was experimental in 7.0.0)
  *   introduced a docker distribution of VB3
  *   Added support for highlighting Manchester syntax to the improved RDF Resource widget
  *   Minor bugfixes and improvements

SemanticTurkey RDF Server

  * changed graph names and metadata namespace in the support repository in favor of more robust/readable ones

    (it applies only to newly created projects).

  * upgraded the metadata namespace of existing projects, if the current namespace contains two hashes

  * introduced support for SkosDiff (a separate component: for

    computing differences among SKOS thesauri)

  * added support for the configuration of the URL for the remote alignment service

  * added support in CustomForm for new Pearl annotations improving the description of forms in UI clients

  * added support for inference of the above PEARL annotations based on the shape of the PEARL file

  * introduced new API for the programmatic creation of STProperties

  * added support for on-the-fly generation of STProperties from JSON Schemas

  * changed the directory name for indexes supporting global search

  * added support for configurable dataset catalog connectors

  * added a property on the resourceview telling how to interpret blank nodes (e.g. use an OWL axiom renderer)

  * added support for no-lexicon mode in OntoLex lexical entries view (i.e. if no lexicon has been selected,

    then all lexical entries are shown)

  * in Alignment, enabled the possibility for the user to modify the scenario suggested by MAPLE

  * introduced PMKI catalog connector

  * introduced new translation service based on global search

  * introduced a new event bus

  * introduced support for PEARL-based definition of resource-level metadata, exploiting the new event bus

  * introduced user notification APIs exploiting the new event bus

  * changed the namespace of the vocabulary used by the metadata registry

  * reenginered a partial modularization of the platform. The following parts were moved to dedicated modules:

    - metadata registry

    - implementations of the extension points

    - utilities

  * added support for cross-bundle session management, necessary to support authentication and authorization

    across bundles (while allowing for new service-level extensions)

  * introduced support for developing custom services, with an implementation based on SPARQL

  * introduced invokable reporters based on custom services

  * added the prefix resolution in all Search services

  * added support for the generation of PEARL custom forms from SHACL shapes

  * added a sail for trivial reasoning (based on symmetric / inverse properties)

  * added support for the new MAPLE Open API for Alignment Services

  * added a Deployer for submitting datasets (OWL ontologies or SKOS thesauri) to an OntoPortal repository

  * made both the base URI and the ontology mirror file optional when importing an ontology from a local file

  * the port of connected remote alignment systems is now configurable

  * fix mishandling of status code by HTTP-based deployers

  * fix authentication bug when deleting the remote repositories associated with a project

  * other minor fixes

  * updated dependency on Sheet2RDF 4.0.1

  * updated dependency on CODA 1.7.0

  * updated dependency on lime-api 0.4.1

  * updated dependency on maple 0.0.6

  * updated dependency on ANTLR v4 4.8

  * updated dependency on RDF4J 3.2.3

Compliancy with external triples stores

We have reported some issues with the recent GraphDB 9.3.2. Some last-minute code changes should have solved what is in any case a bug in the triple-store, so if you are looking for a stable solution that has been extensively tested, we recommend to download a distribution of GraphDB version 9.1.1.

In this message:

we provide links to the three (Free, SE and EE) distributions of GraphDB version 9.1.1, kindly provided by Ontotext

Migration from a previous version of the system

As usual, for people migrating from a previous version of VocBench 3, it suffices to:
·        keep the "SemanticTurkeyData" directory (you might want to make a backup just in case anything happens, even though the system has been extensively tested for migration)

     *   consider that some migration routines will make the data directory not entirely compatible with prior versions of VocBench
·        remove the previous distribution (directory semanticturkey-x.y) and replace it with the new one inside the archive
·        if using an external triple store, replace the old st-changetracking-sail-8.0.jar file located in the lib directory of the triple store with the new one: st-changetracking-sail-8.0.jar, that can be extracted from:
·        if using an external triple store, insert the new st-trivial-inference-sail-8.0.jar file located in the lib directory of the triple store with the new one: st-trivial-inference-sail-8.0.jar, that can be extracted from:

For developers willing to recompile the project:

all of the dependencies of VocBench based on other software written by us:
·        semantic-turkey (8.0):
·        coda (1.7.0):    
·        lime-api (0.4.1):  
·        sheet2rdf (4.0.1):
·        maple (0.0.6):

have already been committed to Maven Central, so they may choose what to re-build and what to take as-is from the dependencies


The VocBench team

Received on Friday, 31 July 2020 16:06:30 UTC