- From: JEKPOT - Customer Office <jekpot@jekpot.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 16:29:04 +0200
- To: <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
Conference http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/fap4c-100.gif 23th KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS Managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge Milano, 26th September 2018 Main topics: AI – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & ROBOT | BIG DATA & ANALYTICS | BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT | COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE & VIDEOCOMMUNICATION | HYBRID CLOUD & DCSD – DATA CENTER SOFTWARE DEFINED | KNOWLEDGE SECURITY & PRIVACY Site Universitą di Milano Bicocca – DISCo, “Sala Seminari” (Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemistica e Comunicazione) Patronage Universitą di Milano Bicocca – DISCo (Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemistica e Comunicazione) Media partner KappaeMme In collaboration with AICA, AIXIA (to be confirmed), ANIPA, ASSI, KM Community Scientific and honor committee Carlo Sorge, general manager JEKPOT (presidente) Stefania Bandini, professor UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA Marco Bettoni, consultant KM COMMUNITY Manfredi Buonomo, consultant, KM COMMUNITY Enrico Del Re, DINFO director, professor UNIVERSITA' DI FIRENZE Claudio Cilli, chairman ISACA ROMA Luciano Galliani, professor UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA Luigi Guerra, professor UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA Domenico Laforenza, CNR-IIT director Giuseppe Mastronardi, president AICA, professor POLITECNICO BARI Giancarlo Mauri, professor UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA Marco Pedroni, professor UNIVERSITA' DI FERRARA Raffaele Pinto, president ANIPA Massimo Ragni, president ASSI Caterina Rizzi, DIGIP director, professor, UNIVERSITA' DI BERGAMO Claudio Sartori, professor UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA Oreste Signore, director W3C ITALIA Programme: in progress Audience: HR/ICT/MARCOM manager | Labour consultant | Journalist | Top management SME | Researcher of public institution Entrance: All: free previous web registration; Add-on services: 1) Sponsorship: quotation on request; 2) Speech by Call for papers (for researcher of public institution: presentation of validated paper by Scientific Committee): 500 euro + VAT (it includes proceedings and could include validated paper publication on KappaeMme); 3) Proceedings: 200 euro + VAT Agenda and Registration until 24th September 2018: <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km23-kmt.htm> Info SPONSORSHIP ADHESIONS until July, 20, 2018 Call for papers July, 13, 2018: Submission deadline for papers; <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km23-kmt-04.htm#CALL%20FOR%20PAPERS> Details Conference deals with managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge. The focus is on relationship between daily users of data, information, document, digital/intangible asset and ablers of this knowledge by process, infrastructure, application and security optimization. From comparison between systems and internal users it arises criticality. Solution to this allows to increase the competitiveness of an organization and the professionalism of his collaborators by an approach of cultural, organizational and technological innovation. The call for papers has the goal to collect the best original researches with a scientific approach on knowledge management, from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view through papers talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, focus on, solutions, best practice, experiences able to increase the competitiveness of organizations and the expertise of his knowledge worker. This means presenting not commercial papers referring on technological and managerial directories of the knowledge management (km tracks). The call for paper participation is free. Accepted paper will be free inserted in the proceedings and could be presented in Km Tracks Session by payment. Best papers will be published on KappaeMme Digital Magazine. To participate in this call for papers <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm> CLICK HERE indicating your personal data and the subject of your request (CFP KM23); then send the web form and you will get the documents to participate in cfp. CRITICAL DATES July, 13, 2018: Submission deadline for papers July, 18, 2018: Notification of acceptance for papers July, 20, 2018: Registration as a speaker for the author of the validated paper to present it within the Km Tracks Session September, 7, 2018: Submission deadline for camera-ready papers TOPICS Main: AI - Artificial Intelligence & Robot | Big data & Analytics | Business process modeling & Project management | Community of practice & Videocommunication | Hybrid cloud & DCSD - Data Center Software Defined | Knowledge Security & Privacy Other: see <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km23-kmt-04.htm#CALL%20FOR%20PAPERS> Details Best regards Carlo Dr. Carlo Sorge General manager, <http://www.jekpot.com/> JEKPOT SRL, T. 0382 572287, Via Ardengo Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia PV, Italy Editor in chief, <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> KappaeMme Journalist, OdG Lombardia <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm> Privacy JEKPOT SRL VAP (Value Added Partner) operating in Media, Events, Education and Services field for large enterprise, SME (Small Medium Enterprise), professional (mainly labour consultant) and public sector (University and so on) - Managed by Carlo Sorge, economist, journalist (main collaboration: Corriere della Sera, Italia Oggi, Mondo Economico, Espansione, KappaeMme), speaker at conference, trainer and tutor of educational course - Validated by da Expo 2015 as a provider in the “event management” field - Accredited by the national Order of Labour consultant as an educational provider (Delibera autorizzazione n. 90 del 28/05/2015; Delibera rinnovo n. 352 del 29/07/2016, n. 534 del 27/07/2017). - Accredited by the national Order of Journalist as an educational provider (Delibera autorizzazione 07/02/2018) - Agreed upon University - Specialties: knowledge management, welfare aziendale Description and references: <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/je.htm> HERE KM TRACKS Km Tracks is a project of JEKPOT on knowledge management, that is a theory inspired by learning organization fundamentals and based on the optimization of managing and communicating organizational knowledge, group of data, information, document, digital asset (file, email, software) and intangible asset (competence, emotion, relationship, value of people). This theory is focused to increase the competitiveness of an organization and the professionalism of her collaborator by an approach of cultural, organizational and technological innovation, able to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of corporate process. For this reason the km become the ABC of up-to-date management. <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2969764> HERE the Linkedin italian group; <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km21-kmt-04.htm> HERE the agenda of the last conference about km. JEKPOT offers an integrated system of services for the knowledge management: - KM solution promotion: JEKPOT offers to km solution provider the promotion of this solution by sponsoring conference, business meeting, educational meeting, other event and editorial insert on KappaeMme magazine. - KM project: JEKPOT offers to large organization and SME methodologies of managing and communicating organizational knowledge, together with provider in ICT & Digital solutions field, from infrastructure and applicative point of view (such as document & content management, big data & analytics, cloud computing & infrastructure, cognitive systems, social network, video communication), under a scientific and honor committee. - KM education: JEKPOT offers knowledge management training to corporate manager, professional like labour consultant and other WELFARE WORLD <http://www.welfareworld.it/> Welfare World is a project of JEKPOT on company welfare, an instrument to integrate the net income of the employer of an organization and an incentive to increase organizational productivity, well-being and social responsibility. JEKPOT offers an integrated system of services for the company welfare: - Company welfare solution promotion: JEKPOT offers to company welfare solution provider the promotion of this solution by sponsoring conference, business meeting, educational meeting, other event and editorial insert on KappaeMme magazine. - Company welfare plan: JEKPOT together with partner offers to large organization and SME the creation and management with performance monitoring of welfare plan in a company or th management of single point of this plan, for example Analysis (objective/instrument/people/needs/corporate climate and wellbeing …) | Labour management (second level negotiation, …) | Fiscal management (remunerative system analysis, …) | Plan communication and employee training | Provider selection (integrated health insurance, integrated welfare, Life-family/health/safety and job balance, wellbeing and csr project) | Welfare platform (flexible benefits and administration process management), under a scientific and honor committee. - Company welfare education: JEKPOT offers company welfare training to corporate manager, professional like labour consultant and other EDUCATION a) Communicating: Computer ethics | Comunicare la conoscenza organizzativa | Gestione delle relazioni con il pubblico (percorso per neolaureati) | Team building con la danza creativa b) Management: Business analysis | Knowledge management & Comunitą di pratica | Knowledge mapping | Reactivity: analisi delle reazioni al cambiamento in contesti collaborative per favorire il cambiamento | Project management | Ratios | Risk management | Business Process management c) Security: Codice privacy | Cloud computing | Digital investigation | IT risk management | Security research | Sicurezza delle informazioni | d) Welfare & Labour: Ammortizzatori sociali | Jobs Act e Legge di stabilitą 2016 | Gestione crisi aziendale: riforma concorsuale, aspetti fiscali e finanziari, piani di ristrutturazione con demansionamenti/licenziamenti e gestione risorse umane con procedure concorsuali e gestione rapporti di lavoro | Lavoro all’estero | Nuovo statuto del lavoro autonomo/accessorio e disciplina smart working | Trasferte, trasfertismo, trasferimento | Safety: D.Lgs 81/2008 e i rischi dei mobile worker (personale viaggiante) | Safety: D.Lgs 81/2008 e i rischi VDT (videoterminale) | Safety: analisi dei rischi specifici ed erogazione dei relativi corsi | Welfare aziendale e lavoro: Ripensare il benessere organizzativo; Aspetti giuslavoristici; Aspetti fiscali; Conciliare famiglia e lavoro; CSR & Sustainability; Conciliare salute e lavoro; Conciliare sicurezza e lavoro; Progettare il welfare; Jobs ratios KAPPAEMME <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> KappaeMme is a magazine published by JEKPOT from 2006 on topic related to managing and communicating organizational knowledge. The magazine make thematic editorial insert and it is addressed to over 64.000 business contacts among corporate manager, professional, university world. PROMOART <http://www.promoart.org/> Promo Art is a project of JEKPOT on the promotion of the art, a carrier to transmit knowledge and emotion enriched of significance ATTENTION - To manage your data: <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm> Privacy - To delete your registration reply REMOVE from your account, WITHOUT DELETE THE SUBJECT - To add another email to the mailing list reply with the new email Copyright © 2000 – 2018, JEKPOT SRL – All rights reserved
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Received on Monday, 11 June 2018 14:29:37 UTC