RE: skos-thes vs xkos, which one to choose?

Dear all,

Thanks Thomas for all references and to all the others who followed up for restoring the skos-thes URIs

Oh yeah I suspected that the date was automatically produced (the day before was a big coincidence) but the fact that it was written so big together with the title (how a bad choice it was!), that the date was from the day before (17th, while my mail was sent at the end of 18th ) and writing in the dead of the night after a long working Sunday, made me just not think too much about it ;-) Thanks for clarifying!

Given your explanation, I will stick to skos-thes as well, and no need to map them to XKOS then,



From: Thomas Francart []
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 12:13 PM
To: Armando Stellato <>
Subject: Re: skos-thes vs xkos, which one to choose?


2018-02-18 23:59 GMT+01:00 Armando Stellato <<>>:

In deciding how to map some relations as subproperties of skos:broader (such as the partOf relation), I considered the following alternatives:


I think both of them do not need any introduction to any of you.

Being a mapping of ISO 25964 skos-thes has met more diffusion, though its link is now dead, while xkos has gone through public review last year and there seems to be a very updated new draft from yesterday.

On the dead link of skos-thes, see<>. Let me revive this issue on the mailing-list.
Don't be confused with the date you see at the top of the "latest draft" link, which is dynamically generated with date at which you request the document. The XKOS specs have not changed for 2 years (see the repository content :<>).

The vocabularies have only a partial overlap, I’m however curious if there’s any general convergence on which property to choose for very common relations such as: isPartOf/hasPart or generic/specialize which are available in both vocabularies.

I'm sticking with skos-thes.
XKOS originates from and is well adapted for _statistical classifications_, and is not (quite) a general purpose extension of SKOS.
There was a comment on XKOS on exactly this question of reusong or mapping to skos-thes for subproperties of broader/narrower :<>.

Best Regards

Thanks for any help/opinion!



Armando Stellato, PhD
ART Research Group,
Dept. of Enterprise Engineering
University of Roma, Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1 00133 ROMA (ITALY<>)
tel: +39 06 7259 7330<tel:+39%2006%207259%207330> (office, room A1-14);
     +39 06 7259 7332<tel:+39%2006%207259%207332> (lab)



Thomas Francart - SPARNA
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Received on Monday, 19 February 2018 13:28:25 UTC