Re: iso-thes namespace not resolvable


Does anyone has any news on the availability of the iso-thes namespace ?

Best Regards

2017-10-17 23:16 GMT+02:00 Stella Dextre Clarke <>:

> Osma,
> Thanks for pointing this out. As it happens, I've recently (with support
> also from Antoine Isaac) approached NISO to request that they find a place
> for the service on their server, as part of the official website for ISO
> 25964. They responded very promptly and I believe are willing, but
> unfortunately they are in the middle of moving all their stuff to a new
> website. So there will be a delay of a few weeks.
> Sorry about that. I'll inform the list when we have clear news.
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> ---------------------------------------
> On 17/10/2017 14:09, Osma Suominen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed that the iso-thes namespace (
>> -thes#) is no longer resolvable. The PURL redirects to
>> but the server
>> doesn't exist anymore:
>> $ host
>> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
>> Does anyone on this list know anything more about the status of this RDF
>> vocabulary? We use many of the SKOS extensions defined in this vocabulary
>> and it would be very bad if it's gone for good.
>> There is a PURL so in principle it could be hosted somewhere else than
>> under, as long as someone has a copy of the relevant
>> material. The Internet Archive has a copy of the documentation from
>> November 2016 (unchanged since April 2016):
>> I'm not sure whether the RDF data is available from some secondary source.
>> -Osma
> --
> *****************************************************
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
> Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
> Tel: 01235-833-298
> *****************************************************


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Received on Monday, 19 February 2018 11:15:29 UTC