[ANN] SKOS Testing Tool


I am pleased to announce the release of a SKOS Testing Tool at
http://labs.sparna.fr/skos-testing-tool. This SKOS testing tool is a simple
web frontend for the qSKOS [1] library, to assess the quality of SKOS or
SKOS-XL vocabularies. Its main features are :

   - No registration required, free for all, open-source
   - Upload a SKOS file to test or give the URL to an online file (e.g. [2])
   - Ability to select the set of rules to be verified
   - Ability to select the output format : nice HTML report with a
   printable version, raw text or RDF using the Data Quality Vocabulary [3]
   - Direct URL to the test report of a SKOS file (details on Github at
   [4]), with content negociation

Feature requests and bug reports are welcome in the Github source
repository at [5].

Another frontend for qSKOS exist at [6].

Best Regards


[1] qSKOS : https://github.com/cmader/qSKOS
[2] :
[3] : https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dqv/
[4] :
[5] : https://github.com/tfrancart/skos-testing-tool
[6] : http://qskos.poolparty.biz


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
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tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Friday, 7 July 2017 09:15:54 UTC