CFP: "Data in Libraries: The Big Picture". Full day workshop, August 10, 2016, Chicago, IL

[Please excuse cross posting]

The modern, digital library has moved beyond its traditional focus on meta-, bibliographic, and authority data, and manages or works with a broad set of data types,  leveraging an ever-expanding set of tools and techniques to do so.  In addition, the emergence of linked data has created new use cases for that library data.  Library catalogs now incorporate links to external datasets, and integrate those datasets in new applications.  Activities like digitization, digital preservation, online resources management, web archiving, text and data mining,  etc. also create new types of data that libraries both consume and curate. Even library users’ online and onsite activity generates logs and other types of data that can be analysed to improve the services librarians offer to their public. At the same time, Big Data technologies like data virtualization, parallel computing, predictive analytics, machine learning etc. bring the promise of improved performances and smart tools. Libraries are thus empowered to consume and curate data of all kinds in new and innovative ways.

This full-day workshop will draw the “big picture” of library data, examining the full spectrum of library activities, and attempting to assess what is achievable using new data technologies in libraries. It targets -- among others -- metadata librarians, IT librarians, data scientists and academics involved in data curation projects.

Topics may include

    consumption of library linked data along with other types of semantic data,
    curation of research data or other types of user generated data,
    innovative data technologies used for digital preservation and digital libraries,
    analysis of library data using tools such as machine learning, text and data mining or data visualization,
    marketing initiatives in libraries based on users logs and tracks analysis.

Papers can adopt different perspectives, including :

    functional requirements and use scenarios
    feedback on experiments and projects
    presentation of technologies and standards from a library perspective.

* Submissions *

Submissions (detailed abstracts, 500 to 1500 words) should be sent before 21 February 2016 via the Easychair platform:

All proposals must be received by 21 February 2016.

* Date and venue *

August 10, 2016 at University of Chicago, Regenstein location, Chicago, IL, USA

* Timeline *

21 February 2016:  Deadline for submitting detailed abstracts (500 to 1500 words)
15 April 2016:  Notification of acceptance
15 June 2016:  Full papers due
7 August 2016  Deadline for sending presentation slides
10 August 2016  Conference

* Organisers *
This event is co-organised by the IFLA Section for Information Technology, the IFLA Section for Academic and Research Libraries, the IFLA Big Data Special Interest Group and the IFLA Semantic Web Special Interest Group

* Please note *

At least one of the paper’s authors must be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the program of the Satellite Meeting.

The workshop is a satellite event to the 2016 IFLA World Library and Information Conference. All papers that are presented during the workshop will be made available online via the IFLA Library under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Authors of accepted papers must complete the IFLA Authors’ Permission Form.

All expenses for attending the satellite meeting (e. g. travel, accommodation, etc.) are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, however there is a list of opportunities for support on the Conference Participation Grants webpage [1].


Received on Saturday, 23 January 2016 13:39:41 UTC