ISKO-UK afternoon meeting - Organizing information: roles, skills and training for the future - London, 14 March


Dear**Colleagues in SKOS

ISKO-UK AGM and meeting - Organizing information: roles, skills and 
training for the future


How easily do you find people with the skills and background to develop 
a KOS and then convert it to SKOS and really exploit the outcomes? The 
upcoming ISKO UK meeting sets out to explore the skills gap and consider 
what we can do to address it. As well as brief presentations as outlined 
below, there will be a panel discussion focusing on the "Go-Betweens" - 
that is to say people with the technology skills to undertake  work such 
as SKOS or OWL implementation, who also have a grasp of the needs and 
opportunities for building a KOS in the first place.

The programme includes:


    Job seeking and project hunting*.* Aref Makooi (Independent consultant)


    The teaching of KO in Further and Higher Education – does it do the
    job? Sylvie Davies (Robert Gordon University)


    Recruiting in KO*.* Anne Ashdown (TFPL)


    Understanding KO in practice*.* Vivienne Winterman (CILIP)


    The changing face of information architecture*.* Mike Atherton
    (Independent Consultant)


    The future is bright? Trends and the implications for IK, KM and
    KO*.* Noeleen Schenk (Metataxis)


    Panel discussion


    Wine and nibbles.

The event is sponsored by Metataxis Ltd*.


*Free to ISKO members, only £40 for non-members. *For more information, 
and details of registration, please go to

*We look forward to seeing you at 2pm on March 14th 2016 at The British 
Dental Association, Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS. Members are urged to 
attend the ISKO UK AGM at 1pm, immediately before the main session, and 
non-member observers are welcome too.

*Stella Dextre Clarke*


Stella Dextre Clarke
Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
Tel: 01235-833-298
Fax: 01235-863-298

Received on Monday, 29 February 2016 10:56:47 UTC