from September 2014 by subject

DC-2014 early registration *DEADLINE EXTENSION* to September 20th

DC-2014 Tutorial: RDF Validation in the Cultural Heritage Community

Final Reminder: 13th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop at JDL 2014

invito a KM TRACKS (Milano, 6 ottobre 2014) | invitation to KM TRACKS (Milano, 6th October 2014) - list

Training the Trainers for Linked Data (DC-2014 Full-day Workshop)

WG: ZBW Stellenausschreibung - wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Taxonomie- und Thesaurus-Management (STW), EG 13 TV-L, Vollzeit, unbefristet - am Standort Kiel oder Hamburg

what should Getty ULAN be mapped to?

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2014 12:26:21 UTC