identity of SKOSXL labels

Dear all,


suppose in SKOS I have:


mythes:C1  skos:prefLabel "foo"

mythes:C2  skos:altLabel "foo"


In SKOSXL, should I have something like:


mythes:C1  skosxl:prefLabel mythes:foo

mythes:C2  skosxl:altLabel mythes:foo 

mythes:foo skosxl:literalForm "foo"


or like this? :


mythes:C1  skosxl:prefLabel mythes:foo_1

mythes:C2  skosxl:altLabel mythes:foo_2

mythes:foo_1 skosxl:literalForm "foo"

mythes:foo_2 skosxl:literalForm "foo"



in other words, is SKOSXL enforcing in any way that concepts which are
expressed through same lexicals, should have in any case their own labels
for them or, on the contrary, a same label should be used.or these is no
indication about that?


In  <> there is no hint about
that, but I almost recall that I read/heard somewhere that the skosxl
reification of the labels is *not* meant to "unify" labels with identical
literalForms under a same URI, thus the general rule is to use in any case a
different label URI for each concept.


Could anyone shed some light on this? (and, in case, point me to the
appropriate link if there is any.)






P.S: in the example, I put a prefLabel for C1  and an altLabel for C2, but
assuming the specific properties being used do not affect the answer to my
question, so it could be skos:***Label. Pls let me know if this matters


Received on Thursday, 2 January 2014 12:46:10 UTC