Re: URI namespace for iso-thes?

Hi Johan!

Thanks a lot for your quick reply and the OWL document. I'll look into 
using these for my SKOS vocabularies.

The namespace URI gives me a 404 error. Is it likely that it will later 
be set up to deliver RDF (as e.g. the SKOS namespace does)?


On 30/09/13 11:14, Johan De Smedt wrote:
> Hi Osma,
> While working on this, I used as namespace.
> The work started within the ISO thesaurus WG and I had significant support form Antoine.
> Publication is finished.
> Attached RDF/OWL version of the thesaurus extension we made for SKOS.
> I am interested to finish this work.
> Kind Regards,
> Johan De Smedt
> Chief Technology Officer
> mail:
> mobile: +32 477 475934
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Osma Suominen []
>> Sent: Monday, 30 September, 2013 10:03
>> To:
>> Subject: URI namespace for iso-thes?
>> Hi,
>> we're in a situation where we'd like to use two kinds of
>> skos:Collections within the same SKOS dataset: thesaurus array type
>> Collections for "milk by source animal" cases, and a classification of
>> concepts by domain/theme (e.g. medical, legal, philosophy...) which is
>> separate from the concept hierarchy.
>> It seems to me that the distinction between ThesaurusArray and
>> ConceptGroup made in the ISO 25964-1 to SKOS correspondence document [1]
>> would fit these cases quite well. We could use separate subclasses of
>> skos:Concept to express these different kinds of collections.
>> However, [1] doesn't seem define an actual namespace URI for the
>> iso-thes classes and properties, only the prefix iso-thes. I couldn't
>> find one in other documents and correspondence either. I understand this
>> is a work in progress, but does a namespace URI exist for iso-thes that
>> could be used, knowing that it might yet change and things within the
>> namespace might still evolve?
>> Thanks,
>> Osma
>> [1]
>> --
>> Osma Suominen
>> Information Systems Specialist
>> National Library of Finland
>> P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
>> Tel. +358 50 3199529

Osma Suominen
Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

Received on Monday, 30 September 2013 09:03:36 UTC