Re: skos:hasTopConcept mandatory?

> Your issue is that the tools you've used are rather accustomed to
> hierarchical vocabularies. They can't tell from the data whether it's a
> flat list or a hierarchical thesaurus, where one would have expected to
> find top concepts.
In such a case, and as a first approximation, this simple SPARQL query can
tell you whether a given ConceptScheme contains hierarchical information or
not :

PREFIX skos:<>
  ?concept skos:broader|skos:narrower ?another .
  ?concept skos:inScheme <> .

If this query returns false, a tool could tell that a ConceptScheme
contains a flat list and not a hierarchical taxonomy.


*Thomas Francart* - Sparna
Consultant Indépendant
Data, Sémantique, Contenus, Connaissances
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Tel :  +33 (0)
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Skype : francartthomas

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 17:56:17 UTC