RE: how to: ordered collection of a Concept

Hello Vladimir,

Can you give an example illustrating the problem and approach you make with equivalentArray?


Kind Regards,

Johan De Smedt 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vladimir Alexiev []
> Sent: Friday, 08 November, 2013 16:43
> To:
> Cc: 'Stella Dextre Clarke'; 'Marcia Zeng'
> Subject: how to: ordered collection of a Concept
> Some AAT *concepts* have ordered children (narrower concepts).
> How can one represent this?
> - I guess one could put the children in a skos:OrderedCollection that is "free floating" i.e. one that’s not
> connected to anything. But TMSes will have a hard time figuring what this pattern means
> - iso:ConceptArray allows you to put ordered children *under* a concept by using
> iso:subordinateArray
> - I propose an extension iso:equivalentArray that puts the array "next" to the concept.
> What do you think?

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2013 09:51:16 UTC