DC-2013/iPRES-2013 registration is now open!

*Apologies for cross-posting*


Registration for DC-2013 --Linking to the Future-- is now open.  The
conference will take place 2-6 September 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal.  The
conference website: http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2013.

The DC-2013 conference theme explores questions regarding the persistence,
maintenance, and preservation of metadata and descriptive vocabularies. The
need for stable representations and descriptions spans all sectors
including cultural heritage and scientific data, eGovernment, finance and
commerce. In addition to the theme, presentations and discussion will cover
a broad range of topics on innovation in metadata design and practice.

DC-2013 will be collocated with iPRES-2013.  Both conferences will take
place in the same venue and run in parallel. During the collocated events,
delegates are welcome to choose sessions that best fit their interests from
either conference. Keynotes are held in common plenaries; and, social
events are shared, providing a excellent opportunity for DCMI and iPRES
delegates to socialize, share common interests and network. Delegates of
the two conferences may separately register for a mix of pre- and
post-conference events organized by the conference committees of both iPRES
and DCMI.

DC-2013 speakers and tutorial leads include: Gildas Illien, Ivan Herman,
Richard Wallis, Steven Miller, Kai Eckert, and Daniel Garijo, among many
others.  Full-day workshops include: (1) VocDay 2013: Managing
Vocabularies, sponsored by the DC-Vocabulary Management Community and
DC-Bibliographic Metadata Task Group; and (2) CAMP-4-Data:
Cyber-infrastructure and Metadata Protocols, sponsored by DC-Science &
Metadata Community (DC-SAM) & the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

To learn more about the conference program and to register, go to the
conference website http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2013.  DC-2013 and
iPRES-2013 share a common registration.

Early registration closes on 8 July:
€350 early regular, early student €250 (to 8 July)
€375 regular & student (after 8 July)
--Separate rates apply for pre-/post-conference sessions on Monday and
--Day rates are available

Registration questions? Contact for DC/iPRES 2013:  ipres2013@ist.utl.pt

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon in September.

Received on Sunday, 9 June 2013 22:41:54 UTC