- From: Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company) <a.blumauer@semantic-web.at>
- Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 13:06:26 +0200 (CEST)
- To: public-esw-thes@w3.org
- Message-ID: <1316401931.2228180.1372935986457.JavaMail.root@semantic-web.at>
Hello, I thought this could also be interesting for the SKOS list: http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/w3c-linked-data-glossary W3C's Linked Data Glossary published in SKOS as LOD + SPARQL endpoint. Kind Regards, Andreas ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Kaltenböck" <m.kaltenboeck@semantic-web.at> To: "Bernadette Hyland" <bhyland@3roundstones.com> Cc: "W3C public GLD WG WG" <public-gld-wg@w3.org>, "Andreas Blumauer" <a.blumauer@semantic-web.at>, "j jakobitsch" <j.jakobitsch@semantic-web.at> Sent: Thursday, 4 July, 2013 12:54:07 PM Subject: Re: Linked Data Glossary is published! Hi Bernadette many thanks for your feedback on this what is highly appreciated! We have fetched the W3C LD Glossary now and loaded it into our open / public PoolParty Vocabulary (LD) Server - please see: http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/w3c-linked-data-glossary.html (btw also other controlled vovabs to be found there: http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/ ) Furthermore we have created a few relations as well as we linked the relevant terms to DBpedia and the Semantic Web Thesaurus ( http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/semweb.html ) So the current W3C LD glossary is available as SKOS and Linked Data now ;) What we were wondering is what license the glossary has - in the header area the (c) Copyright W3C is mentioned but I think this is a template of the whole W3C system? BUT: what license to give this LD Glossary (I do think when we speak about Open Data we should decide for an open license as CC-o or CC-BY??) FYI: at the moment we have used the Glossary URL for license info... Remark : in principle it would be easy to change the URIs to W3C URIs - but then there would be a need to install a PPT on W3C servers / use respective domain - if this sounds interesting just get in touch with me - sure we could find an interesting solution here ;) So all on this list - please feel free to play around - your feedback is very welcome - best regards - martin PS: also created ADMS of the Glossary: http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/w3c-linked-data-glossary/adms/0.2.html PPS: for sure there is also an endpoint in place now: http://vocabulary.semantic-web.at/PoolParty/sparql/w3c-linked-data-glossary PPPS: CCd also 2 colleagues to this email ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bernadette Hyland" <bhyland@3roundstones.com> To: "Martin Kaltenböck" <m.kaltenboeck@semantic-web.at> Cc: "W3C public GLD WG WG" <public-gld-wg@w3.org> Sent: Friday, 28 June, 2013 6:15:42 PM Subject: Re: Linked Data Glossary is published! Hi Martin, <Added GLD WG to thread> Thanks for the offer and I think expanding LOD resources such as the glossary with other LOD (e.g., DBpedia, etc) is a great idea. One idea we have is to publish the glossary in w3.org namespace using SKOS and following best practices. Then encourage companies like yours to take the data and do what you're proposing. One idea would be to link the glossary LOD to say PoolParty's entry in the Open Data Directory to showcase your product, expanding the virtuous circle. So I'm very happy you suggested it and am very happy to discuss ideas that show LOD in action & showcase open data products & services ... a win for everyone. Cheers, Bernadette On Jun 27, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Martin Kaltenböck < m.kaltenboeck@semantic-web.at > wrote: Hi Bernadette, hope you are doing well?! Congrats for this work, great step for LOD... SWC would still be willing to contribute a free cloud service of PoolParty PPT Thesaurus server to bring this glossary to SKOS easily including concept URIs, an endpoint to query & thereby enable re-use as well as linking capability, so concepts could be linked to other sources as DBpedia beside others...so publishing the LD Glossary as LOD... What do you think? Looking forward to hearing from you on this again! Best regards! Martin Martin Kaltenböck, CMC Managing Partner, CFO Semantic Web Company Web: http://semantic-web.at Blog: http://blog.semantic-web.at Meta Data Management: http://poolparty.biz Phone: +43 1 402 12 35 - 25 Am 27.06.2013 um 17:09 schrieb Bernadette Hyland < bhyland@3roundstones.com >: <blockquote> Hi, On behalf of the editors, I'm pleased to announce the publication of the peer-reviewed Linked Data Glossary published as a W3C Working Group Note effective 27-June-2013.[1] We hope this document serves as a useful glossary containing terms defined and used to describe Linked Data, and its associated vocabularies and best practices for publishing structured data on the Web. The LD Glossary is intended to help foster constructive discussions between the Web 2.0 and 3.0 developer communities, encouraging all of us appreciate the application of different technologies for different use cases. We hope the glossary serves as a useful starting point in your discussions about data sharing on the Web. Finally, the editors are grateful to David Wood for contributing the initial glossary terms from Linking Government Data , (Springer 2011). The editors wish to also thank members of the Government Linked Data Working Group with special thanks to the reviewers and contributors: Thomas Baker, Hadley Beeman, Richard Cyganiak, Michael Hausenblas, Sandro Hawke, Benedikt Kaempgen, James McKinney, Marios Meimaris, Jindrich Mynarz and Dave Reynolds who diligently iterated the W3C Linked Data Glossary in order to create a foundation of terms upon which to discuss and better describe the Web of Data. If there is anyone that the editors inadvertently overlooked in this list, please accept our apologies. Thank you one & all! Sincerely, Bernadette Hyland , 3 Round Stones Ghislain Atemezing , EURECOM Michael Pendleton, US Environmental Protection Agency Biplav Srivastava, IBM W3C Government Linked Data Working Group Charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/ [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/ld-glossary/ </blockquote>
Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 11:07:17 UTC