First version of GINCO, a free software dedicated to the management of thesauruses

I am pleased to announce the completion of the first version of GINCO.

GINCO is a free software developped by the Ministry of Culture and 
Communication (France) and is dedicated to the management of 
vocabularies. It implements the principles defined in the ISO standard 
25964-1:2011 Information and documentation -- Thesauri and 
interoperability with other vocabularies -- Part 1 : Thesauri for 
information retrieval.

GINCO is released under the terms of the CeCiLL v2 license (GNU GPL 
compatible). It is available on the GitHub hosting service 

The main features already developed allow :

    *      the design and the management of multiple lists of
      authorities, taxonomies, thesauruses ;
    *      the management of terms: status, language, unique identifier
      of type URI, notes of different types associated with the terms,
      assigment of terms to concepts, equivalence relationships between
      terms, compound equivalences;
    *      the management of concepts: status, unique identifier of type
      URI, notes of different types associated with concepts,
      hierarchical ans associative relationships between concepts;
    *      the management of thesaurus arrays (virtual relays, facets)
      and their exploitation in hierarchical editions ;
    *      the management of groups of concepts (microthesaurus, theme,
    *      alphabetical and hierarchical editions ;
    *      the import and export of thesaurus in SKOS / RDF format ;
    *      the consultation through web services.

The software is developped according to the SCRUM agile methodology. The 
"backlog" presents the prioritized list of developed or planned 
features. It will soon be available on GitHub in the Issues section. We 
invite the community to provide us with suggestions and proposals.

The developments envisaged in version 2 focus on :

    *      collaborative features ;
    *      alignments between vocabularies and to external ressources ;
    *      the implementation of a reference terminology, in order to
      provide users with unified access to all vocabularies
      (terminologies server).


Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 17:02:30 UTC