RE: Using DBpedia resources as skos:Concepts?

> When was the Concept  of "Sherlock Holmes" created?
> Not after 7 July 1930, which is the death date of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Hmm... and a skos:Concept "Sherlock Holmes" was not created before 18 August 2009, which is the date SKOS became a W3C recommendation (OK, maybe 10 May 2005, first public working draft of the SKOS core guide, even a little bit earlier for very early adopters).

I think that the Concept "Sherlock Holmes" you're speaking of is the "real world thing" a skos:Concept is linked to through the foaf:focus property.

> Can (must)  the creator of the web page be a different entity to the creator of the Concept?
> Yes, if nobody can create something after their death.

I am speaking of the page that one gets when HTTP getting the URI myns:sherlock_holmes, (with accept header text/html), assuming that myns ends with a "/", and that it identifies the skos concept I created and that has foaf:focus dbPedia:Sherlock_Holmes. My point was: I don't see strong reasons to have a URI for this page different from myns:sherlock_holmes (I have no metadata to describe it other than the one attached to myns:sherlock_holmes) and I therefore don't feel it is necessary to have a 303 redirect when getting myns:sherlock_holmes.



De : Spero, Simon []
Envoyé : lundi 12 novembre 2012 22:49
À : François-Paul Servant
Cc : <>
Objet : Re: Using DBpedia resources as skos:Concepts?

On Nov 12, 2012, at 9:34 AM, François-Paul Servant wrote:

well, I'm not convinced there is a big utility to it in the case of a skos:Concept: I don't see practical use-cases where one would want to state different things about the concept and the page (or the RDF data) returned when dereferencing it. No "semantic collapse" to be afraid of ;-)

When was the Concept  of "Sherlock Holmes" created?
Not after 7 July 1930, which is the death date of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

When was a web page whose foaf:focus is "Sherlock Holmes" created?
Not before 8 June 1955, which is the birth date of Sir Timothy Berners-Lee.

Can (must)  the creator of the web page be a different entity to the creator of the Concept?
Yes, if nobody can create something after their death.

That's all for two knight


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