- From: JEKPOT - Customer Office <jekpot@jekpot.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 10:06:03 +0200
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Hi , take the opportunity to participate in the call for papers (deadline: 6th July 2012) of KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS, a conference on managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge that will be held in Milano, the 11th and 12th October 2012. Sponsoring options on request. Best regards Carlo Dr. Carlo Sorge Chairman <http://www.jekpot.com/> JEKPOT Srl, T. 0382 572287, Via Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia PV Responsible director <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> K <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> APPAEMME c/o JEKPOT Srl, T. 0382 573089, Via Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia PV Journalist ODG LOMBARDIA, Via A. da Recanate 1, 20124 Milano Member AICA, AIDP, CLUB TI MILANO <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm> Privacy JEKPOT is pleased to present <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/fap4c.gif> Event: CONFERENCE Official language: - ITALIAN - ENGLISH or ITALIAN for PAPER PRESENTATION Entrance: - FREE: target audience (knowledge management, human resources and information systems) - PLUS: 200 euro + 21% VAT (obligatory for potential sponsor; with proceedings) - CHUCHOTAGE (with simultaneous personal translation italian-english and proceedings): 1.500 euro + 21%VAT for 1 or 2 person Deadlines - CALL FOR PAPERS July, 6, 2012: Submission deadline for papers July, 20, 2012: Notification of acceptance for papers July, 26, 2012: Possible registration as a speaker for the author of the validated paper to present it within the Km Tracks Session September, 6, 2012: Submission deadline for camera-ready papers - SPONSOR July, 27, 2012: except availability - AUDIENCE: October, 5, 2012: FREE entrance September, 30, 2012: request of CHUCHOTAGE service Organizer: JEKPOT srl Via A. Folperti 44/d 27100 Pavia PV (Italy) T. 0382 572287 E. jekpot AT jekpot.com W. www.jekpot.com 17th Knowledge Management Forum Milano, Italy, 11-12th October 2012 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Via Nirone 15 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS Managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge CALL FOR PAPERS - JULY, 6, 2012 Submission deadline for papers EVENT Cultural and scientific free conference on managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge, with points of material distribution and contact management DESCRIPTION Managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge is the way to increase the organization competitiveness and the people professionality by an approach of innovation from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view. The goal of the event is to collect the best original practice on knowledge management by presenting case study, papers, experiences and by talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, solutions. TARGET AUDIENCE Director and responsible of Human resources, Information systems, Technologies, Marketing & Communication, Security manager of mid and large organizations; chief knowledge officer, knowledge manager, knowledge workers; university manager and professor TOPICS (in progress) KM Tracks - Explicit: search engine, document management, content management, erp; - Tacit: elearning, hr applications, real time applications (chat, audiovideo communication systems), web 2.0 (blog, forum, wiki, strumenti di collaboration, social network), unified communication - Creable: business intelligence, customer relationship management; - Cross: cloud computing - outsourcing, mobile, security, workflow management All topics HERE <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km17-kmt-cfp.htm> CALL FOR PAPERS The call for papers has the goal to collect the best original researches with a scientific approach on knowledge management, from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view through papers talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, focus on, solutions, best practice, experiences able to increase the competitiveness od organizations and the expertise of his knowledge worker. This means presenting not commercial papers referring on technological and managerial directories of the knowledge management (km tracks). The call for paper participation is free. Accepted paper will be free inserted in the proceedings and could be presented in Km Tracks Session by payment. Best papers will be published on KappaeMme Digital Magazine. To participate in this call for papers CLICK HERE <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm> indicating your personal data and the subject of your request (CFP KM17); then send the web form and you will get the documents to participate in cfp. COMMUNICATION KappaeMme Magazine and Newsletter covers over 35.000 manager interested in managing and communicationg organizational knowledge and related technologies supporting. KappaeMme Web covers over 500 daily unique visitors in working week. Telemarketing on target audience by our databases. Network partnership with community and relationship network. Media partnership. SPEAKER AND SPONSOR We are inviting speakers of independent organization, institution, consulting, user-organization and vendor. PROGRAMME 11th October Managing and communicating organizational knowledge 9.00 - 9.30 Registrations 9.30 - 9.45 Welcome by Albino Claudio Bosio, preside UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psychology Faculty 9.45 - 10.00 Presentation by Carlo Sorge, chairman JEKPOT 10.00 - 10.15 Vision & Scenario by director / c-level of Independent organization with competence on knowledge management 10.15 - 11.15 Panel - Social network & Human capital management With independent speaker (association, university), consultant, vendor, user 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break & Demo area 11.45 - 12.45 Best practice, Paper, Case study by Organization (Sponsor, User) 12.45 - 13.00 Questions & Answers 13.00 - 14.20 Lunch break 14.20 - 15.20 Best practice, Paper, Case study by Organization (Sponsor, User) 15.20 - 16.30 Panel - Big data & Business analytics With independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user 16.20 - 16.30 Closing 1st day & Greetings 12th October Protecting organizational knowledge 9.00 - 9.30 Registrations 9.30 - 9.45 Welcome by Albino Claudio Bosio, preside UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psychology Faculty 9.45 - 10.00 Presentation by Carlo Sorge, chairman JEKPOT 10.00 - 10.15 Vision & Scenario By director / c-level of Independent organization with competence on knowledge management 10.15 - 11.15 Panel - Security intelligence With independent speaker (association, university), consultant, vendor, user 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break & Demo area 11.45 - 12.45 Panel - Crimeware - Panel with independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user 12.45 - 13.00 Questions & Answers 13.00 - 14.20 Lunch break 14.20 - 15.20 Panel - Cloud security - Panel with independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user 15.20 - 16.20 Best practice, Paper, Case study / Meetings by Organization (Sponsor, User) 16.20 - 16.30 Closing & Greetings SCIENTIFIC & HONOR COMMITTEE Carlo Sorge, JEKPOT, chairman Pietro Berrettoni, FIDA INFORM, chairman Marco Bettoni, FERNFACHHOCHSCHULE (CH), research director Albino Claudio Bosio, UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psicologia, preside Manfredi Buonomo, KM COMMUNITY, consultant Silvana Castano, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, ISL@B, professor Claudio Cilli, ISACA ROMA, chairman Luciano Galliani, UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA, Scienze della Formazione, preside Luigi Guerra, UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, Scienze della Formazione, preside Domenico Laforenza, CNR-IIT, director Marco Mancini, CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane, presidente Guido Podestà, PROVINCIA DI MILANO, presidente Roberto Polillo, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, professor Oreste Signore, W3C ITALIA, director Alberto Silvani, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, UniMitt director PARTNER 2011 Institutions COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Rappresentanza a Milano CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane MINISTERO DELLO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO PROVINCIA DI MILANO UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, DISCo Associations AICA - Associazione italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico ANIPA - Associazione Nazionale Informatici Pubblica Amministrazione ASSI - Associazione Specialisti Sistemi Informativi CLUB TI MILANO - Club per le Tecnologie per l'Informazione IAOP - International Association of Outsourcing Professionals ISF - Informatici senza frontiere Main media partner KAPPAEMME SPEAKER BY CALL FOR PAPERS - 3.000 euro + 21%VAT - 15' Paper presentation - Paper published on proceedings - Paper published on KappaeMme - Speaker name on communication - Speaker bio and jpg on proceedings - One copy of proceedings - KappaeMme with paper on pdf - Free service for hotel reservation at agreed price SPONSORING On request WORKSHOPS <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/fap4c.gif> Event: WORKSHOP Official language: ITALIAN Entrance: FOR PAYMENT: a) FULL: 1.000 euro + 20%VAT for a person, one day; b) GROUP: 800 euro + IVA 20%VAT for a person, one day, related to groups of at least 3 persons of the same organization ADD-ON: CHUCHOTAGE (simultaneous personal translation italian-english): 1.500 euro + 20%VAT for one or two person Deadline: 3th October 2012: FULL, GROUP entrance 30th September 2012: request of CHUCHOTAGE service Organizer: JEKPOT srl Via A. Folperti 44/d 27100 Pavia PV (Italy) T. 0382 572287 E. jekpot AT jekpot.com W. www.jekpot.com Milano, 8th October 2012 morning) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Foundamentals: managing and communicating organizational knowledge AGENDA AND REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km.htm> HERE afternoon) COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE Managing and sharing organizational knowledge by community of practice AGENDA AND REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/cop.htm> HERE Milano, 9th October 2012 morning) KNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATION BY PREMI Communicating organizational knowledge by PREMI (Person Relationship Emotion Motivation Information) AGENDA AND REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/premi.htm> HERE afternoon) KNOWLEDGE MAPPING Mapping organizational knowledge that is building the map of an organization AGENDA AND REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/kmap.htm> HERE Milano, 15th October 2012 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - THEORY Managing a project: foundamentals and main techniques PROGRAMME <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmt1.htm> HERE Milano, 16th October 2012 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - PRACTICE Managing a project by Microsoft Project PROGRAMME <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmp1.htm> HERE <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmp1.htm> <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmt1.htm> Milano, 17th-18th-19th October 2012 TRAINING ON DEMAND TUTORIALS ON REQUEST <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/formazione.htm> LIST <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmp1.htm> Organized by <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> <http://www.jekpot.com/> JEKPOT - The Knowledge Management Company JEKPOT JEKPOT is a VAP (Value Added Partner) operating in the knowledge management field and in Events, Educational, Media, Services sectors. Main media partner <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> <http://www.jekpot.com/kappaemme> KappaeMme KAPPAEMME KappaeMme is the italian digital magazine on managing and communicating organizational knowledge (that is data, informations, documents, digital and intangible assets), supporting the growth of company competitiveness and people expertise _____ For more informations: JEKPOT Srl the Knowledge Management Company Via A. Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia, PV, Italy Ph.: +39 0382 572287 | Web: www.jekpot.com | E-Mail: jekpot [at] jekpot.com ----------------------------------- WHO WE ARE JEKPOT operates like a VAP (Value Added Partner) in Educational, Events, Media, Services sectors, to realize project on the management and communication of organizational knowledge (data, informations, documents, digital asset, intangible assets. We have collaborated with organizations, private and public, of large and middle business indicated on www.jekpot.com/pagine/ji.htm. ----------------------------------- PRIVACY To remove your email address from the mailer of this newsletter, reply REMOVE or other without modify the subject because this contains the database in which your email address is inserted. This communication observes privacy italian law D.Lgs 196/03, readable on http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm, where it is possible to manage the personal data threatment. ----------------------------------- COPYRIGHT This communication is copyright JEKPOT srl and his use could be constitute an offence. It is prohibited any use of contents of this communication off of the recipient. -----------------------------------
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Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 08:07:45 UTC