- From: Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 16:35:40 -0500
- To: SKOS <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAChbWaNEqMhaVgposgZ4SrEKm24zy58qQNOZNPbkcpoepdJt-A@mail.gmail.com>
Simon has just written probably the best primer for new folks, I have ever read through about SKOS. That should be put somewhere on the Wiki in some form or fashion especially around points 1 and 2 around design decisions and "will SKOS work for me or against me ?" On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Simon Spero <sesuncedu@gmail.com> wrote: > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Chris Harding <c.harding@opengroup.org>wrote: > >> >> We are looking at an approach that would define UDEF object classes and >> UDEF properties as SKOS concepts, and use SKOS narrower/broader to capture >> the relation between a parent object class and its children, and between a >> parent property and its children. >> >> The initial questions that we have are: >> - Does this look like a sensible approach? >> - Should we make the whole of the UDEF a single SKOS concept scheme, >> or would it be better >> to have separate concept schemes for object classes and properties? >> > > I am not entirely sure that using SKOS would necessarily be the most > appropriate way of increasing the semantic richness for what seem to be > UDEF's target applications. Here are some considerations that might help > you decide whether a purely SKOS based approach is ideal for your needs, or > whether RDF(S) + OWL might be a better approach. > > > 1. SKOS was originally developed for representing knowledge *organizing > * systems, not knowledge *representation* systems; that is, it was > designed to represent the relationship between ideas, not between the > things that those ideas are about. A good test to see if SKOS is right for > your application is to consider whether in your application there is ever > any difference between something being *a kind of* something else, and > something being *a part of * something else. > 2. SKOS does not have a standardized way of expressing sequences of > concepts, for generating concatenated notations, or for expressing > restrictions on the types of concepts that can be used to restrict what > concepts could follow what other concepts. This essentially forces UDEF to > be a fully enumerated system, which may not be ideal. > 3. The example used on the the UDEF CONOP<http://www.opengroup.org/udef/use/conops.htm>page involves a sample interaction with the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency). > That ( and fact that the overview page is titled "Concept of Operation" :) > suggests that interworking with DoD and other government agencies is an > important consideration. DoD semantic interoperability and federation work > is using OWL/RDF as a basis - see these slides<http://www.dodenterprisearchitecture.org/program/Documents/1015%20DWiz_DCMO_EAConf_Wednesday_May_2.pdf> > by Dennis Wisnosky <Dennis.Wisnosky@osd+mil> (DoD BMA CTO & Chief > Architect) from last week's DoD Enterprise Architecture conference. > 4. Earlier work at USAF in the EVT under SAF-US(M) revealed that even > RDF(S) + OWL was insufficient to capture all useful information for most > Communities of Interest; the weaker semantics of SKOS would presumably be > able to capture even less information. (Interestingly, the acronym EVT > stood for "Enterprise Vocabulary Team"; the V was obsolete even before > the team was stood up). > 5. Where a natural language term has different meanings in different > CoIs, it is a very bad idea to try and force the subject matter experts in > one or both areas to use a different term. Performance level of subject > matter experts is degraded to a level close to novices. > > Taking a look at some of the UDEF definitions seems to suggest that the > current definitions do not include much information that could be > considered essential for interoperability. > > For example, in the "identifier" sub tree, we find the following > terminal node. > > *4.35.8* Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier > > ** United-States.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier > > Given the number of different USAF identifiers, this is somewhat > problematic, and would seem to be based on an unnamed specific use case. > > In terms of mapping to RDF(S)/OWL/SKOS, these properties would seem to > imply a hierarchy - SubPropertyOf in RDFS, SubDataPropertyOf in OWL, > broader in SKOS. > > In terms of creating interoperable systems, it is hard to understand > what the semantics of these properties would be. > > What would it mean to have a data field tagged "4.35.8"? > Could it be meaningfully compared to another data field tagged "4.35.8"? > Could you join two records from different sources using this field? > Could you join two records, one identified by a "", the other > by "4.35.8"? > > Is the relationship between the fields strictly one of about-ness; > everything that is in some way about > a United-States.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier it is in somewhat about > an Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier? > > It well be that some many of the unique labels that UDEF has created can > be usefully refactored into their semantic components, and that by doing so > it becomes easier to create federate systems of systems that work at the > enterprise scale and beyond. > > Simon > > -- -Thad http://www.freebase.com/view/en/thad_guidry
Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 21:36:11 UTC