- From: Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez <pastor@um.es>
- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 13:17:17 +0100
- To: public-esw-thes@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAFkhdr_ZgwaPMufoag-Xthr1RkYfrt163yR4gdKd+NXTPywSAA@mail.gmail.com>
Dear all: We report about the availability, for viewing and downloading, of the SKOS version of the *UNESCO Nomenclature for fields of Science and Technology*. The URL is: http://skos.um.es/unesco6 As many of you know this nomenclature is used mainly to classify Research Projects and Dissertations (UNESCO codes). For the preparation of the dataset were used original documents [1] and some additional sources [2], [3]. Besides the utility of browse the nomenclature, we have implemented a number of characteristics that make a model of publishing Linked Open Data in our opinion quite complete: - Browse and search categories. - Interface and content in three languages (English, Spanish and French). - RDF dataset avalaible in Turtle and RDF/XML. - Dataset description with VoID. - SPARQL Endpoint) - Semantic markup using RDFa 1.1. It is planned to extend the service by adding a version in Portuguese and additional datasets to connect with external classifications and thesauri. The system has been created with PHP and MySQL (using ARC2). We are working to release the code of classes developed for the project and publish them on GitHub or Google Code. I will send a message when available. Please contact me directly (pastor@um.es) to questions or suggestions or if any malfunction or translation errors are detected. The project is part of the activities of the Research Group of Information Technology [4] at the University of Murcia and the UNESCO Chair in Information Management in Organizations. Kind regards, Juan [1] http://unesdoc.unesco.org/Ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?catno=82946&gp=0&lin=1 [2] http://www.et.bs.ehu.es/varios/unesco.htm [3] http://fisica.unmsm.edu.pe/pdf/CODIGOS%20UNESCO.pdf [4] http://www.um.es/gtiweb/ -- Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, Ph.D. Dep. of Information and Documentation Faculty of Communication and Documentation University of Murcia phone: +34 868 88 7252 http://webs.um.es/pastor pastor@um.es
Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 12:17:48 UTC