Re: GraphViz and SKOS...

hi again, i just had a go with protovis.

i like it very much, and since in our company js is preferred over java in some cases, i'm trying to push it.
please note that these two are only first tries and i'm sure one could do better, even with bigger skos thesauri.

what i'm currently missing is linking nodes (in my case they are all linked data (example :  (.rdf) ) 
and i didn't find it in the docs. 

(please note that these two take some time to load)

they are a little hard to read, but definitely a fine piece of art  :)

wkr turnguard.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Brickley" <>
To: "Jürgen Jakobitsch" <>
Cc: "SKOS" <>, "Christophe Dupriez" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 6:02:26 PM
Subject: Re: GraphViz and SKOS...

On 15 February 2011 17:46, Jürgen Jakobitsch <> wrote:
> hi,
> i just recently wrote a tiny SkosToTreeML converter.
> that way i can use prefuse, see these two examples (layout by prefuse, i just filled in the data)
> i you're interested i'm certainly willing to share my code.

Very nice :)  I've been meaning to try SKOS in Treemaps for a while,
but I never decided between trying to visualise a vocab, or visualise
a collection that uses that vocab, ... or a mix of the two. Both have
some appeal...

Java does seem a little heavy though (at least in my default OSX setup
it takes a long time to do anything).

Would you consider trying to wire up your data to Protovis's
javascript treemap?



punkt. netServices
Jürgen Jakobitsch

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Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 18:55:18 UTC