Re: Mapping SKOS into BFO

Hi Jim,

Re. cmo:represents and cmo:representedBy, I think there was a kind of consensus on this list prior to your proposal, as Alistair is hinting at: using foaf:focus [1] for links between the SKOS concept of the "thing" (and the "thing" refered to in FOAF could perfectly be an (OWL) class such as vacoule  or lytic_vacoule).

Acknowledging this, any CMO solution should be aligned with it (either by re-using that property or mapping to it via RDFS/OWL property axioms). Or make a serious case against foaf:focus!




> Has a consensus emerged? There hasn't been much discussion on this in
> a week. cmo:represents and cmo:representedBy attempt to address the
> issues that were raised in those mails, with the additional benefit of
> having been vetted from the BFO/realist perspective as well.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Alistair Miles
> <>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I definitely don't get all the nuances here, but I thought I'd flag up a
>> possible connection here between CMO, the discussion on this list in August
>> last year about the proposed foaf:focus property (see thread from [1]), and
>> older discussions from 2005 (see thread from [2]) about skos:it/skos:as.
>> Could cmo:represents and cmo:representedBy be the properties we're looking for?
>> Cheers,
>> Alistair
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:30:05PM -0400, Jim McCusker wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Thad Guidry<>  wrote:
>>>> Could you map out a quick example within BFO where lytic vacuole and
>>>> vacuole would play out, so that I could see a skos:Concept , a
>>>> bfo:Entity , and a snap:GenericallyDependentContinuent coordinated
>>>> with a snap:DependentContinuent ?
>>> Sure, that is actually a big part of what CMO attempts to address. The
>>> submitted paper (not proceedings, but accepted to ICBO) is available
>>> at This example would look like
>>> the following, using OWL 2.
>>> If the classes vacoule and lytic_vacoule are universals:
>>> lytic_vacoule_concept a skos:Concept;
>>>      cmo:represents lytic_vacoule.
>>>      skos:broader vacoule_concept.
>>> lytic_vacoule a owl:Class, cmo:UniversalClass;
>>>      owl:subclassOf vacoule.
>>> vacoule a owl:Class, cmo:UniversalClass;
>>> vacoule_concept a skos:Concept;
>>>      cmo:represents vacoule.
>>> If the classes vacoule and lytic_vacoule are not universals, they can
>>> be expressed like this:
>>> lytic_vacoule a skos:Concept, owl:Class;
>>>      cmo:represents lytic_vacoule.
>>>      skos:broader vacoule.
>>>      owl:subclassOf vacoule.
>>> vacoule a owl:Class, skos:Concept;
>>> In each case, the idea of the vacoule is the concept, while the class
>>> of vacoule is the thing in the world that the concept represents. In
>>> non-realist representations, the classes and concepts can be the same,
>>> while in realist representations they can remain distinguished.
>>> Jim
>>> --
>>> Jim McCusker
>>> Programmer Analyst
>>> Krauthammer Lab, Pathology Informatics
>>> Yale School of Medicine
>>> | (203) 785-6330
>>> PhD Student
>>> Tetherless World Constellation
>>> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
>> --
>> Alistair Miles
>> Head of Epidemiological Informatics
>> Centre for Genomics and Global Health<>
>> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>> Roosevelt Drive
>> Oxford
>> OX3 7BN
>> United Kingdom
>> Web:
>> Email:
>> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287669

Received on Monday, 18 April 2011 14:23:09 UTC