Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization

With apologies for cross-posting, the invitation below may interest 
members of the SKOS community.
See you there?
Stella Dextre Clarke
Information Consultant
Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
Tel: 01235-833-298
Fax: 01235-863-298

In cooperation with the German National Library (DNB), the Institute of 
Information Management (IIM) at the Cologne University of Applied 
Sciences would like to invite you to attend the Cologne Conference on 
Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization, "Concepts in 
Context" on July 19th and 20th at the Cologne University of Applied 
Sciences in Cologne, Germany. The talks present current developments in 
the field of knowledge organization, especially theoretical foundations 
for interoperability and semantic enrichment.

The conference will offer a platform for discussing recent developments 
and activities to improve interoperability and search functionalities of 
knowledge organization systems with internationally renowned information 
specialists like Stella Dextre Clarke, Maja Žumer and Dagobert Soergel. 
It will also present and assess several ideas and models which have been 
developed in the context of two current research projects, CrissCross 
and RESEDA. The first day will focus on best practice examples and 
planned applications for providing interoperability, presenting a review 
of the CrissCross project. Theoretical foundations, innovative models 
and frameworks as well as future perspectives will be discussed in 
greater detail on the second day. A current focus will be the Functional 
Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and their specifications, 
the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD).

The attendance of the event is free of charge. You will find the 
programme as well as further information and a registration form on the 
conference website:

Felix Boteram, Dipl.-Bibl. (FH)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im RESEDA Projekt

Fachhochschule Köln / Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Institut für Informationsmanagement /Institute of Information Management 

Received on Thursday, 6 May 2010 14:18:50 UTC