Looking for skos:subject replacement

Folks- I'm looking for a relation with domain skos:Concept or one of
its superclasses that can replace what skos:subject originally stood
for; effectively, the inverse of dc:subject. Interestingly, AFAICT
neither of DC*, SIOC, SALT or BIBO have something like this.
foaf:publications is close but has domain foaf:Person. I see where
Joachim Neubert in his conversion of the Thesaurus of Economics to
SKOS (http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2009/papers/ldow2009_paper7.pdf)
was forced to invent his own (zbwext:indexedItem) but I'm looking for
something more broadly adopted. Richard Cygniak's advice
to use anonymous inverse properties, if I'm not mistaken, doesn't work
so well in an RDFa serialization, which is a use case I'm trying to

Any other ideas before I'm forced to go Joachim's route? - cheers, BPA

Bradley P. Allen
+1 310 951 4300

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2010 01:31:04 UTC