Re: Status of resources (stable, testing etc)

Hi Alistair,

With the Belgium Poison Centre, we settled for your suggestion.
Adding icons and a "logical" order, we get this:

We added a french and a dutch translation of the terms.
The modified SKOS RDF is available:
(you have to "View Source" to see the SKOS RDF under the XSLT style sheet)

I wrote to Diane Hillmann, the NSDL maintainer of this scheme.

Many thanks for this suggestion!


Le 29/04/2010 13:55, Alistair Miles a écrit :
> FWIW, I know jon phipps created a status vocabulary which is used
> internally in, see:
> Maybe not what you're after, but I thought I'd make the connection.
> Cheers,
> Alistair
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 08:47:45PM +0200, Dan Brickley wrote:
>> +cc: Leigh, Libby
>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Bernard Vatant
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hello folks
>>> We are currently revisiting the Geonames ontology (long overdue) including
>>> feature codes, on which I would like to add some Dublin-Core like
>>> annotations re. concepts. In particular some concepts are going to be
>>> deprecated using dcterms:isReplacedBy, some will be deprecated altogether
>>> without replace because they've never be used, and quite a lot will be put
>>> in a status of quasi-obsolescence or quasi-extinction. Those are feature
>>> codes used less than one per million features, which means less than 7 times
>>> considering Geonames has over 7 millions features in store ...
>>> I was wondering which vocabulary is the best for expressing that.
>>> is used by FOAF, Bibontology
>>> and others. But it defines status as a data property, I would prefer an
>>> object property with an enumerated range of individual values. Of course I
>>> can define those in geonames data space, but since this is not particular to
>>> geographical codes, I was wondering if there was some vocabulary on some
>>> shelves I miss. BTW I was amazed not to find any "status" property in Dublin
>>> Core.
>> Yes, that is a limitation of the sw-vocab-status vocab. At the end of last
>> year I started writing it up towards a W3C Note (after a 'go for it' from
>> Ivan), with Libby Miller and Leigh Dodds. The effort is a little stalled but
>> the draft is at
>> If you think it's worthwhile, we could expand the note to include new more
>> useful properties.
>> Interested to help? :)
>> (even encouraging us to put time into this counts as help!)
>> Dan
>>> Suggestions?
>>> --
>>> Bernard Vatant
>>> Senior Consultant
>>> Vocabulary&  Data Engineering
>>> Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
>>> Mail:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Mondeca
>>> 3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
>>> Web:
>>> Blog:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 15:43:37 UTC