LINKED DATA meeting in London, 14 September 2010, arranged by ISKO-UK

===== Apologies for cross-posting =====

You are cordially invited to attend ISKO UK's one-day conference on 
Linked Data:


14 September 2010: 10:00 - 19:00

VENUE: University College London, Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Gordon 
Street, London WC1H

FEE:        Non-members: £55 (£50 if paid by 10th September)

ISKO UK members & students: £20 (£15 if paid in advance)

Since Tim Berners-Lee first wrote in detail about it in July 2006, 
Linked Data has remained something of a shadowy mystery for many. Yet, 
the principle is simple: you can add value to your information by 
linking it to that of others. ISKO UK believes that a day examining the 
basic technology, together with a closer look at the emerging, 
real-world examples of Linked Data in practice, will be of immense 
benefit to all information workers. Linked Data is the 'public face' of 
the Semantic Web; it is here, now, and is growing. Catch up with Linked 
Data at this conference.

Prof. Nigel Shadbolt, co-architect with Tim Berners-Lee of the UK's initiative, will deliver the morning keynote on the 
relevance of Linked Data to public information. Antoine Isaac will 
explain how SKOS supports Linked Data. Richard Wallis
of Talis, will discuss the approaches used, lessons learnt, and the
resulting successful outcomes of practical implementations of Linked 
Data. Steve Dale will end the morning session with an account of how 
Linked Data is to play a key role in the Knowledge Hub (Khub) serving to 
enable knowledge sharing in the local government sector.

The afternoon keynote speaker, Prof. Martin Hepp, will present the
GoodRelations ontology, which enables consumers to search the Web for 
goods and services with far greater specificity than ever before by 
using Linked Data to weave a giant graph of information about products, 
offers, stores, and related facts. Andy Powell will then describe the 
work undertaken by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) to align 
itself with the Semantic Web, and will draw parallels with some of the 
issues faced by Linked Data. John Goodwin will follow by discussing the 
challenges around constructing linked data for geographic and spatial 
information with particular emphasis given to the work done at Ordnance 

Andreas Blumauer will describe how PoolParty supports the creation and
maintenance of thesauri by utilizing Linked Open Data (LOD), 
text-analysis and easy-to-use GUIs, so thesauri can be managed and 
utilized by domain experts without needing knowledge about the semantic 
web. And finally, Bernard Vatant will discuss the issues involved in 
aligning Semantic Web technologies like Linked Data and SKOS-XL, with 
the real-world needs of terminologists, using EUROVOC and the lexvo 
initiative as illustrations.

With the speakers' contributions in mind, the conference will end with a
panel discussion on whether the Semantic Web is a threat or an 
opportunity for conventional approaches to KO. Any differences of 
opinion aired, will then be sublimated over wine (or water) and nibbles 
in a final opportunity to network.

This ISKO UK one-day conference is organized in cooperation with the UCL
Department for Information Studies.

To read more and to book your place, go to the event page

We look forward to seeing you on 14 September.

Bob Bater, Vice-Chair, ISKO UK

British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization

Received on Friday, 23 July 2010 13:02:09 UTC