Labeling ConceptSchemes: Best Practices?

Hello everyone:

I doubt arises regarding labeling practices of SKOS Conceptscheme. The
most common practice is the labeling by dc: title. From my point of
view might have to distinguish between the description of an action by
a metadata schema (in this case Dublin Core) and the need for
consistent Conceptscheme from the perspective of the SKOS model.

In the latter case I think would be labeled by concepts prefLabel
schemes, altLabel, and even hiddenLabel for and applications using
SKOS data, to query a specific KOS, using these properties.

DC labels should be limited to the description of a SKOS element in
the environment of other data sets for other applications (such as a
digital repository).

In this regard, my analysis of most of the SKOS Dataset has led me to
the conclusion (maybe I'm wrong) that for the most common practice to
represent a KOS, normally used only one Conceptscheme.

I have the feeling that this practice creates KOS too "monolithics",
limiting their interoperability and reusability. Perhaps this is why
normally used dc: title instead of SKOS properties to label

What do you think?



Ph.D. Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez
Dep. of Information and Documentation
Faculty of Communication and Documentation
University of Murcia
phone: +34 868 88 8780

Received on Saturday, 7 August 2010 18:50:45 UTC