RE: Status of resources (stable, testing etc)

Dear all,
it might be interesting for you to know that, from an analysis carried out
at university of Trento, GeoNames feature codes have many problems
(ambiguity, missing descriptions, lack of structure, ...). 
Details about the analysis can be found here:
This paper will appear at the ESWC 2010:
As part of the analysis, feature codes have been manually mapped to WordNet
Vincenzo Maltese


From: []
On Behalf Of Bernard Vatant
Sent: martedì 27 aprile 2010 18.56
To: Marc Wick; Dan Brickley; Dublin Core; SKOS
Subject: Status of resources (stable, testing etc)

Hello folks

We are currently revisiting the Geonames ontology (long overdue) including
feature codes, on which I would like to add some Dublin-Core like
annotations re. concepts. In particular some concepts are going to be
deprecated using dcterms:isReplacedBy, some will be deprecated altogether
without replace because they've never be used, and quite a lot will be put
in a status of quasi-obsolescence or quasi-extinction. Those are feature
codes used less than one per million features, which means less than 7 times
considering Geonames has over 7 millions features in store ...
I was wondering which vocabulary is the best for expressing that. is used by FOAF, Bibontology
and others. But it defines status as a data property, I would prefer an
object property with an enumerated range of individual values. Of course I
can define those in geonames data space, but since this is not particular to
geographical codes, I was wondering if there was some vocabulary on some
shelves I miss. BTW I was amazed not to find any "status" property in Dublin


Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 10:07:17 UTC