NKOS 2009: all presentations available

All presentations and posters from the 8th European Networked Knowledge 
Organization Systems (NKOS) workshop, that took place at the ECDL 
conference in Corfu (Greece) on October 1st 2009, are now available at 
the workshop website:


Among the topics covered are: a vocabulary bank; a SKOS encoding and web 
service, offering a bilingual economics thesaurus; UK projects 
experimenting with tag recommenders; evaluations of the information 
retrieval effects of a large number of pairs of mapped vocabularies; 
user interfaces for search term recommendation and query expansion; the 
development of the new thesaurus standard ISO 25964; the creation of 
faceted structures in a section of UDC and management issues in 
networked KOS as experienced with the same classification system.

Kind regards,
Traugott Koch
Traugott Koch
Max Planck Digital Library, Invalidenstr. 35, D-101 15 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30-288867789
E-mail: traugott.koch@mpdl.mpg.de
Homepage: http://www.mpdl.mpg.de/staff/tkoch/

Received on Monday, 12 October 2009 13:20:53 UTC