Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Using DBpedia resources as skos:Concepts?

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Bernard Vatant
<> wrote:

> Thanks for this. Indeed umbel:linksEntity seems to fill the slot.
> Although I find its name, as well as the one of its inverse property
> umbel:isAbout, quite misleading.

Well, personally, I find almost everything about the vocabulary to be
obtuse.  When your elevator pitch has something about a hairnet over a
basketball you're not exactly explaining why I would care or how I
would use it.

> How about something like umbel:hasReferent and umbel:isReferentOf ,
> respectively?

I prefer those terms, yes, but I have nothing to do with vocabulary.
> BTW do you have any feedback on the use of this property in the wild?

No.  I use it simply because I don't know of a better solution (see: or the proposal of to dbpedia here: but I can't vouch for
whether or not people find it useful or even know that it exists

I thought dbpedia used to have umbel predicates in it, but I can't
find any at the moment.


Received on Thursday, 12 November 2009 15:49:07 UTC