Re: Label management information in SKOS-XL (continuing from UMTHES and SKOS-XL)

Antoine Isaac wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I think it would be a very good idea to have this ISO/SKOS 
> alignment/extension work done!
I'm taking "ISO" to be shorthand for "ISO 25964", and speaking as the 
leader of the project to develop this standard, would like to assure the 
SKOS community that we too are very happy to see better alignment. ("We" 
means "WG8" which is the short name for the working group 
ISO/TC46/SC9/WG8 which is responsible for the work.) As a first step, we 
wish we could circulate our working documents and get your comments. 
Unfortunately, however, ISO copyright rules prevent us doing so.  The 
high price of ISO standards is another cause of much grief. But the 
(relatively) good news is that drafts cost a lot less than the eventual 
standards. And we've had a promise from BSI that they will very soon 
make a copy of our latest draft available for online viewing and 
commenting (without charge). I will post another message when it is 

The prospects for better alignment seem good, since there has already 
been quite a bit of communication between our communities, dating back 
to the development period of the precursor standard BS8723, alongside 
earlier versions of SKOS. As I see it, we share a lot of common 
objectives, although we are addressing slightly different "links" in the 
"chain" of  standards needed to make KOSs work effectively. In WG8 we 
are mostly concerned with how to construct thesauri, whereas SKOS  deals 
with how to publish them on the Web. Both of us  are keen to promote 
interoperability, and so there is an overlap of shared interests.

Despite the shared interests and objectives, very few  WG8 members have 
expertise in RDF, OWL, etc and so we often find it difficult to 
contribute directly to the SKOS discussions. However, please do not 
interpret silence as lack of goodwill! We do sincerely want to support 
your efforts towards interoperability between KOSs.

I'll be in touch again soon.
Stella Dextre Clarke
Information Consultant
Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
Tel: 01235-833-298
Fax: 01235-863-298

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 18:55:25 UTC