[ANN] Thesaurus for Economics (beta)

I am happy to announce here a complete beta version of the "Thesaurus
for Economics (STW)". It is available under 
As an RDFa application, it is built from a SKOS representation of the
thesaurus and aims to provide an interlinking hub for economics
resources on the web of linked data. Therefore the vocabulary will be
published under a CC (by-nc-sa) license in the very near future. 
Some technical background can be found at
http://zbw.eu/beta/stw/versions/latest/tech_background/about.en.html. As
some things has changed since the first tech preview (especially a
seperate namespace for SKOS vocabulary extensions has been introduced)
and the large dataset may reveal some new issues, I would be happy to
receive more feedback.  Particularly about the URI design and the
approach to versioning (preserving the concept's identity but providing
"historical data" for human lookup) - but all comments about how the
usefulness of the application could be increased are highly welcome.
Cheers, Joachim
Joachim Neubert
IT Development
German National Library of Economics (ZBW)

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2009 15:00:52 UTC