RE: SKOS in GeoSciML

No bites on prototype/holotype/exemplar then ...

Another potential application we have in GeoSciML is representing the Geologic Timescale - which is pretty much the key classification system in general geology.

The timescale is an 'ordinal reference system' whose core is the use of names for time-periods or eras, like Paleozoic, Silurian, Wenlock. It is straightforward to encode the hierarchy of eras using SKOS (e.g. see ) but a key property of these is their ordering relationships. SKOS provides OrderedCollection, but the elements of the timescale are ordered at all levels of granularity, so in general an era is immediately followed and preceded by multiple eras of different rank - e.g the Paleozoic Era is followed by immediately by the Mesozoic Era, the Triassic Period, the Lower Triassic Epoch, and the Induan Age - see So it begins to look like each era is an ordered collection, rather than a concept.

Can OrderedCollections be the members of an OrderedCollection?

[Of course the real way to resolve this is to recognize that, although it is the eras (intervals) that carry names and get the attention, the key concepts are actually the boundaries between them - which are the nodes of multiple temporal edges in a temporal topology. This has in fact been the focus of the practice of stratigraphy for about the last 40 years - see for more discussion if you are interested.]

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Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2009 10:28:19 UTC