Re: ConceptScheme as a subset of another?

Dear Antoine

Thanks very much.  That's extremely informative.

My thinking has moved on a little and I would appreciate any thoughts you
have on a slightly different approach. I'm on rocky ground here as my
background is more OO and I have very little background knowledge of RDF.

Essentially subsets are of _like_ things.  So two example ConceptSchemes
with subsets might be:

   - A ConceptScheme of Services with subsets of Fire and of Police services
   - A ConceptScheme of Needs with subsets of safety needs and of health

Hence I wonder if I should be creating a ex:ServiceClass as an
rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept (and likewise for a NeedClass) and somehow
limiting the Service ConceptScheme to holding just ServiceClass concepts
(and likewise a Need ConceptScheme to just NeedClass concepts).

There will be a relationship between Service and Need concepts as defined by
a property like ex:addressesNeed.  I'm unsure if such a relationship should
be a rdfs:subProperty of a skos mapping or not.

Lots of issues there.  Any pointers would be welcome.

Many thanks

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 13:36, Antoine Isaac <> wrote:

> Dear Mike,
> Sorry for the delay. To answer your specific questions:
>  I understand that the skos:inScheme property can be used to say a concept
>> is in a particular ConceptScheme and this can be used many times to say the
>> same concept is in many schemes.
> Exact.
>  I can't say that one ConceptScheme is in another can I?
> You cannot say this, at least using the SKOS model or another standard
> Semantic Web vocabulary. See [1].
> We have discussed that in the WG, but the requirement was not clear enough
> at the time.
> The only standard way is really to have your concept belonging to several
> schemes at a same time.
>  Is there any sensible way I can support these subsets?
> Now, you could still create your own property to represent scheme
> inclusion, and equip it with semantics that help you implement the multiple
> inScheme statement trick.
> With OWL 2, this is doable:
> 1. you can introduce, say, an ex:subScheme property
> 2. you can define a property chain axiom [2] that combines it with
> skos:inScheme: [] rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:inScheme; owl:propertyChainAxiom
> (skos:inScheme ex:subScheme ).
> With this, if A is a sub-scheme of B, whenever you have c1 skos:inScheme A,
> then you would also have c1 skos:inScheme B if you use an appropriate
> reasoner.
> But of course this solution is not guaranteed to work well when others
> consume data that you wouldn't have "completed" youself beforehand, as it
> would rely on an adhoc property...
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> [1]
> [2]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *Van:* [mailto:
>>] *Namens *Mike Thacker
>> *Verzonden:* dinsdag 30 juni 2009 18:25
>> *Aan:* SKOS
>> *Onderwerp:* ConceptScheme as a subset of another?
>> Hello
>> I'm getting my head around SKOS with a view to seeing how well we can
>> represent UK public sector vocabularies hosted by <
>>> in SKOS and derive online viewers and other human and
>> machine readable resources from the RDF.
>> My initial question relates to whether or not SKOS supports what esd knows
>> as "subsets".  For example these two online viewers:
>>    * Subject vocabulary:
>>    * Service vocabulary:
>> both feature drop down lists towards the top left of the page.  >From the
>> drop-down list you can select a named "subset" which contains some of the
>> concepts from the main list (eg you can limit UK local government services
>> to those delivered in Scotland).
>> I understand that the skos:inScheme property can be used to say a concept
>> is in a particular ConceptScheme and this can be used many times to say the
>> same concept is in many schemes.  I can't say that one ConceptScheme is in
>> another can I?
>> Is there any sensible way I can support these subsets?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Mike

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 12:34:16 UTC