Re: use of skos:inScheme and rdf:type in SKOS modeling -> Collection? <- broaderMatch

We are here facing an usual problems: are we modeling something a pure 
abstraction or are we modeling for a given usage, for existing tools...

Personaly, I think the need fits the notion of collection but I would 
change my minds depending of existing data, ergonomy of UI and tools 

I would like to propose a similar (?) problem to the community.

I have an authority list of authors, each one born in a country.

For me, there is a scheme of countries (possibly in a hierarchy of 
political organisations and continents) and a scheme of authors.
How are they linked? Collections of authors by countries? broadMatch 
between an author and its country? Additional RDFS attribute (born in)?

I develop the tool (so I can do what I want but I am lazy/busy). The 
final goal is to add the countries to the author search indexes (so you 
can ask for a book written by Victor Hugo or ask for a book written 
somebody born in France). My feeling is that I should implement 
* no "extension" to SKOS
* no need to keep a coherence between countries concepts and collections 
of authors from these countries
* broadMatch indicates that two different schemes are involved (broader 
does not)
* BUT this may not be the intended use of broadMatch

Thanks for any suggestions!


Houghton,Andrew a écrit :
> There is probably another approach, Solution C, that you could use which would be to create a controlled vocabulary of aspects (facets?) in SKOS, e.g., topical, geographic, chronological, personal names, corporate names, etc. and then use skos:broadMatch to link to them from lcsh, lcshac, naf, lctgm, gmgpc, etc. and would also allow other vocabulary maintainers to assert that their concepts are part of a broader scope.
> The downside to making lcsh:genreConceptScheme is that its in the lcsh namespace.  So would you be proposing the same solution for naf, lctgm, gmgpc, etc., e.g., lctgm:genreConceptScheme and gmgpc:genreConceptScheme?  These aspects (facets?) don't seem like concept schemes, e.g., versions or editions of the vocabulary. 
> Solution B seems to me to be better modeled than Solution A, but you could also achieve the same thing without subclassing skos:Concept and use dc:type with a controlled list of names, e.g., genre, personal name, topical, etc. which again could be used by other vocabulary maintainers, but this mimics Solution C without anybody being able to assert that their concepts are part of a broader scope.
> Yet another approach, Solution D, would be to use collections and assert that a concept is in a particular collection, e.g., topical, geographic, chronological, etc.  From the SKOS reference: "Collections are useful where a group of concepts shares something in common, and it is convenient to group them under a common label, or where some concepts can be placed in a meaningful order."  Seems to me that the 1XX tags in MARC-21 fit the definition of collections.
> Just my 2 cents, Andy.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:public-swd-wg-
>>] On Behalf Of Ed Summers
>> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:44 AM
>> To: SWD Working Group;
>> Cc: Barbara B Tillett; Clay Redding
>> Subject: use of skos:inScheme and rdf:type in SKOS modeling
>> Hi All,
>> I am trying to solicit some responses to a particular SKOS modeling
>> question I have. I apologize in advance if similar questions have come
>> up and been answered before.
>> Some initial work [1] has been done to examine how the Library of
>> Congress Subject Headings [2] can be represented as SKOS. Since the
>> Répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique
>> unifiéshares (RAMEAU) [3] shares some lineage with LCSH, it is hoped
>> that this effort could also inform a SKOS representation of RAMEAU as
>> well.
>> The LCSH vocabulary has different types of concepts within it:
>> topical, geographic, chronological, personal names, corporate names
>> ... to name a few. It is anticipated that use cases within the library
>> community will require applications to be able to distinguish between
>> the types of concepts. There's been some private discussion about the
>> best way to use SKOS to achieve this granularity. The thought was that
>> perhaps it would be better to have that discussion in the open.
>> Solution A is to group them into sub concept schemes using
>> skos:inScheme, while also keeping the concepts part of the larger LCSH
>> concept scheme:
>>  lcsh:sh85124200 a skos:Concept ;
>>    skos:prefLabel "Sociology"@en ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:topicConceptScheme ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:conceptScheme .
>>  lcsh:sh85056381 a skos:Concept ;
>>    skos:prefLabel "Grand Canyon (Ariz.)" ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:geographicConceptScheme ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:conceptScheme .
>> Solution B is to create extensions of skos:Concept such that:
>>  lcsh:TopicalConcept rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept .
>>  lcsh:GeographicConcept rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept .
>>  lcsh:sh85124200 a lcsh:TopicalConcept ;
>>    skos:prefLabel "Sociology"@en ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:conceptScheme .
>>  lcsh:sh85056381 a lcsh:GeographicConcept ;
>>    skos:prefLabel "Grand Canyon (Ariz.)" ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:conceptScheme .
>> The discussion so far has centered around two issues.
>> 1. A may result in better tool support since it does not require
>> inferencing
>> 2. B uses rdfs:type instead of skos:inScheme to indicate the type of a
>> concept...which fits in better with RDF as it is deployed on the web.
>> Perhaps there are more arguments in favor or against? One counter
>> argument to 1 is that serializations of B could include asserted
>> triples for tool convenience.
>>  lcsh:sh85056381 a lcsh:GeographicConcept, skos:Concept ;
>>    skos:prefLabel "Grand Canyon (Ariz.)" ;
>>    skos:inScheme lcsh:conceptScheme .
>> If you have a particular opinion about this your feedback would be most
>> welcome.
>> //Ed
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 23:09:59 UTC