use-instead notes

In the the course of the conversion of  our economics thesaurus to SKOS,
I found a construct which seems to require a custom extension: Some
documentation notes offer "use that instead of this" hints - e.g., a
note for the descriptor "Restrictive business practices" says "For
restrictions on market entry USE Market entry". 

To preserve the semantic of this note, I think about introducing a new
type of note:

  stw:useInsteadNote rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note 

which could be used as follows:

  <restrictive business practices> stw:useInsteadNote
    [ rdf:value "For restrictions on market entry"@en;
      rdfs:seeAlso <market entry> ] .

By using a custom type of note, it can get special treatment, generation
of links etc., in the further conversion to XHTML/RDFa.

Do you have some experience with this or a similar pattern? Are there
any pitfalls I should be aware of?

Kind regards,

Joachim Neubert
German National Library of Economics (ZBW)

Received on Monday, 12 January 2009 13:13:57 UTC