Re: Experimental Ruby SKOS API

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:05:48AM +0000, Simon Jupp wrote:
>> Have you looked at all at indexing/search facilities for SKOS? My next 
>> step was to try to wire this up with Lucene indexes, and experiment 
>> with "did you mean?" and autocompletion facilities that could be used 
>> in searching and tagging UI.
> Not looked at Lucene, we have look up and autocompletion in Protege, I  
> think they are done with simple hash maps and seem fast enough for the  
> largest SKOS files I could find (>100,000 concepts).

Just a quick word to say we've had some good experience of using
Lucene with Jena TDB via LARQ [1]. The latest release (0.4-alpha3) of
sparqlite [2] allows a TDB backed SPARQL endpoint to be configured
with a LARQ string index, so you can embed lucene queries in SPARQL
queries via the pf:textMatch property.




> Cheers,
> Simon
>> cheers,
>> Dan
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
>>> 1-
>>> 2-
>>> Simon Jupp
>>> On 18 Feb 2009, at 11:12, Dan Brickley wrote:
>>>> Just a quick note to report on a work-in-progress I've been  
>>>> exploring
>>>> this week.
>>>> I started to make a Ruby API for SKOS.
>>>> The distinguishing feature here is that it uses jruby (a Ruby
>>>> implementation in pure Java). As such it can call on the full powers
>>>> of the Jena toolkit, which go far beyond anything available  
>>>> currently
>>>> in Ruby. At the moment it doesn't do much, I just parse SKOS and  
>>>> make
>>>> a tiny object model which exposes little more than prefLabel and
>>>> broader/narrower.
>>>> I think it's worth exploring because Ruby is rather nice for
>>>> scripting, but lacks things like OWL reasoners and the general
>>>> maturity of Java RDF/OWL tools (parsers, databases, etc.).
>>>> I've posted some example snippet in See
>>>> which
>>>> uses the UKAT SKOS dataset.
>>>> The idea is to use some ruby idioms to explore the SKOS graph.
>>>> Quick example. This goes 2 levels down from some chosen concept:
>>>> s1 =
>>>> c1 = s1.concepts[""]
>>>> puts "test concept is "+ c1 + " " + c1.prefLabel
>>>> c1.narrower do |uri|
>>>> c2 = s1.concepts[uri]
>>>> puts "\tnarrower: "+ c2 + " " + c2.prefLabel
>>>> c2.narrower do |uri|
>>>> c3 = s1.concepts[uri]
>>>> puts "\t\tnarrower: "+ c3 + " " + c3.prefLabel
>>>> end
>>>> end
>>>> See for
>>>> the indented output, which I won't show here as it'll get lost in
>>>> email formatting.
>>>> I'm interested to hear if anyone else has explored this topic.
>>>> Obviously there is a lot more to SKOS than broader/narrower, so I'm
>>>> very interested to find collaborators or at least a sanity check
>>>> before taking this beyond a rough demo.
>>>> Thanks for any thoughts,
>>>> Dan
>>>> --
> Simon Jupp

Alistair Miles
Senior Computing Officer
Image Bioinformatics Research Group
Department of Zoology
The Tinbergen Building
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 281993

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 12:30:31 UTC