Re: Experimental Ruby SKOS API


I don't know much about Ruby but i like the idea of having a scripting  
language to do some stuff with SKOS. This may be of some use to you if  
you, especially if you want to work with SKOS and Java.  I have  
started a java API for SKOS [1] that is an extension of the OWL 2 API  
[2]. It is designed to provide a complete abstraction of the SKOS data  
model and supports all SKOS constructs that fall within OWL 2.

Some advantages of this approach are:
- You can work with SKOS objects at a high level abstraction without  
having to worry about any of the concrete syntaxes such as RDF/XML
- Create, Edit and Read SKOS files (Nice and clean axiom based change  
- All the parsing and serialisation is handled by the OWL API
- Because it's an extension of the OWL API, you have access to the  
underlying OWL objects (e.g. for handling extensions to SKOS)
- All the reasoners supported by the OWL API (Pellet, Fact++ etc) mean  
you can work with a inferred SKOS model

Anyway, sorry if I hijacked your thread! If it's of no us to you maybe  
someone else on this list who want to do Java programming with SKOS  
might be interested.



Simon Jupp

On 18 Feb 2009, at 11:12, Dan Brickley wrote:

> Just a quick note to report on a work-in-progress I've been  
> exploring this week.
> I started to make a Ruby API for SKOS.
> The distinguishing feature here is that it uses jruby (a Ruby  
> implementation in pure Java). As such it can call on the full powers  
> of the Jena toolkit, which go far beyond anything available  
> currently in Ruby. At the moment it doesn't do much, I just parse  
> SKOS and make a tiny object model which exposes little more than  
> prefLabel and broader/narrower.
> I think it's worth exploring because Ruby is rather nice for  
> scripting, but lacks things like OWL reasoners and the general  
> maturity of Java RDF/OWL tools (parsers, databases, etc.).
> I've posted some example snippet in See 
>  which uses the UKAT SKOS dataset.
> The idea is to use some ruby idioms to explore the SKOS graph.
> Quick example. This goes 2 levels down from some chosen concept:
> s1 =
> c1 = s1.concepts[""]
> puts "test concept is "+ c1 + " " + c1.prefLabel
> c1.narrower do |uri|
>  c2 = s1.concepts[uri]
>  puts "\tnarrower: "+ c2 + " " + c2.prefLabel
>  c2.narrower do |uri|
>    c3 = s1.concepts[uri]
>    puts "\t\tnarrower: "+ c3 + " " + c3.prefLabel
>  end
> end
> See for  
> the indented output, which I won't show here as it'll get lost in  
> email formatting.
> I'm interested to hear if anyone else has explored this topic.  
> Obviously there is a lot more to SKOS than broader/narrower, so I'm  
> very interested to find collaborators or at least a sanity check  
> before taking this beyond a rough demo.
> Thanks for any thoughts,
> Dan
> --

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 14:45:03 UTC